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Considering Career Change At 27...please Advise


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A bit of background on me. I'm from Montreal. I'm a 27 yr old that's been working in the typical office job after graduating from business school in December 2015.


Thing is, I was in health sciences in high school and had excellent marks before marking the mistake of choosing a biology undergrad at McGill that I was not passionate about, doing mediocre in my first year (2.70 gpa). I then switched majors completely and studied english literature for 2 years and did quite well (3.9 gpa) but then realized there are no jobs to be had so applied to business school and completed a full undergrad for 3 years with final cgpa 3.3 for the degree.


Now having discovered and learnt from this forum, I realized I should have applied for physiotherapy in the beginning while I had the marks (I had 33.8 R score)-if only I knew more about the field back then.


Question is, with my qualifications, so do I have a chance as a mature applicant for OT/PT schools ? (after re-doing my pre-reqs I suppose for they are more than 8 yrs old). What could I do to improve my chances?


Also, for people who are currently in the field, can you name the worst cons of the profession so I can have an idea of the worst to expect? And what are the salary ranges for fresh-grads out of school? What is the job market like?


Any input would be greatly appreciated!

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You sure do! I started the PT program at Sherbrooke at 35 with two undergrad degrees under my belt (biology and accounting) and a master (pharmacology) and a 10 year hiatus from school (working full time). Your total GPA is competitive in Sherbrooke and probably McGill. Montreal will be harder for PT, but OT should be ok... if you want more info, just pm me!

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Worst cons... if you want to work in hospitals, jobs in PT and especially in OT are getting harder to get! Private clinics are doing fine! Salaries can start/range from 25$/hr and go up to 35$/hr when graduating in PT (private clinics)... usually from 8/9 to 5pm schedule wise...

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