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Everything posted by Username92

  1. In Montreal, I got the Visa Platinum Avion with RBC, including the VIP package with fees waived for one year. I don't think there's much of a difference between the Platinum and the Infinite Avion. Didn't ask for the LOC just yet though, I will be staying at my parent's place and tuition is cheap down here, too much temptation to spend beyond what I need
  2. Study hard, train harder, party hardest
  3. I did the McGill and the French interviews this cycle, and only once did I run out of things to say, at one of the French stations: they asked us weird questions about our neighborhood and our implications with it, and implications for the community in general. 1 min before end of time, the interviewer smiled and said, ''Ok, thanks, that's all'' (in French, off course). For the rest of the minute I tried to engage in small talk, didn't work out But after talking to other candidates post-interview, I wasn't the only one who fell short on that station. Every single other stations in both my McGill and French interviews, they had more questions that I could answer to So yeah, the key is succinct and natural! Edit: It doesn't mean that if you have a lot to say on a particular subject, you have to restrain yourself: just make it feel like it is a discussion with a person, not an essay!
  4. Oh and another annoying question: for McGill students who got into med at McGill, is there anyone still waiting for their Final Official University Transcript to be processed by McGill on their Minerva page? It's done automatically by McGill, still waiting for it to be processed although I got approved for graduation a few days ago
  5. Which hopefully it will because I wasn't the smartest in cegep with neitheir my grades nor the handling of my credit card LOL
  6. Cool! I was asking because I'm planning on shopping for a LOC soon, but as you said in the other thread, letter of acceptance + proof of deposit seems to be enough to get at least the LOC approved
  7. I definitely did not give long answers, except when they asked me to describe some achievements in my life in some stations. For the role-playing stations, I kept my answers short and succinct, and tried to interact as much as possible with the actors, and have them actively participating in the conversation. For the discussions, I did not answer essay-style, but I did look for a way to simplify my overall thought process by finding a main point to which I could hang on for a few minutes, explaining whatever needed to be explained without diverting too much from that main point. Example: I had to extrapolate data from something something, I drew down the pyramid of Maslow for the interviewer to see since it was one easy element from which I could start a deep and complete discussion, and kept referring to it constantly to organise my thoughts and simplify the structure and flow of my discussion So I definitely think long, non-stop answers are a no-no most of the time: you end up lost in your speech and thoughts. Plus I remember them saying specifically at the interview that they want us to sound natural: going long-answer, intro-dev-conclusion doesn't really follow that recommendation
  8. Pour le fun j'ai search sur facebook et je l'ai pas trouvé dans le search engine Ma copine est en vet, vous allez tripper mais préparez vous à étudier en svpp!!
  9. By the way, anyone knows if and when are we getting an ''official'' letter of admission? The pdf one on Minerva is only conditionnal...
  10. Same, it seems highly unlikely to me that one-third of those who got offers from McGill (30-ish out of 90) would refuse them. I'm in no mean trying to be harsh, just realistic
  11. Weird indeed, as before us being interviewed in April, the website said 200 people were interviewed. 200+19=219 haha
  12. Bravo!! See you in September New stats out there, this year they interviewed not 200 but 250 students for 90-91 university spots. Dayum (Thanks god they did though, I was waitlisted for initial interview, got it in April...)
  13. Oshaku, did you meet them in Mtl? I'm planning to go see an RBC advisor soon. What did they tell you about the "registration proof" needed?
  14. Haha moi j'ai mis que j'ai des nerfs d'acier aux etudes, et j'ai fait concorder mes reponses avec Go hard or go home
  15. Tu te trompes sur le prix, c,était 45$ Et je crois que tu as raison, c'était un seul et meme test pour vet et pharm (je sais pas though, j'ai juste appliqué en pharm a UL)
  16. Le test psycho est facile à ''truquer'' in my opinion Tu aimes le travail d'équipe, t'es creatif, t'es organisé, t'es pas stressé par l'école, t'es un leader, le bien-être des gens vient avant le résultat, tu es prêt à écouter les gens aillant besoin d'aide aux études, etc Dans chacun de ses themes, il mette aussi un/deux extremes du genre, ''t'es pret a tout lacher tes etudes pour aider qqn'', ''tu aimes discipliner les gens'', suffit de les identifier et de répondre faux Mais les MEM de medicine c'est 100x plus agréable et intelligent comme approche de selection j'en conviens J'étais plus crampé qu'autre chose hier au test lol
  17. Desole d'entendre pour le refus! Ca me surprend pas que le cut-off soit plus haut puisqu'il n'y a qu'une seule categorie universitaire (pas de distinction connexe/non-connexe), donc les applicants non-connexe font surement monter la CRU d'invitation a l'entrevue
  18. Yeah ca depend de la moyenne du programme avec lequel il te compare a Udem (quel programme a Udem est equivalent a ton bac en Lettres de McGill), tu peux pas savoir, sauf peut-etre si tu leur demande. Ensuite, en gros, de McGill, ils prennent juste ta moyenne a toi (3.75/4.00), la convertisse sur 4.3 (personne ne sait comment) et utilise les données propre a Udem (le programme de Udem equivalent a ton bac) pour calculer la CRU. Ce qui pourrait t'avantager c'est si la moyenne du programme avec lequel il te compare a Udem est basse, donc avec 3.75/4.0 converti en x/4.3, tu serais bien au-dessus = plus grosse CRU Bon succès! Edit: Jai vu dans un autre post que tu etais inquiet/inquiete pcq Ulaval te donne 31 de CRU. No worries, udem et ulaval = pas le mm calcul du tout tout tout
  19. Congrats!! Yeah I emailed adcom (Im interviewed as an IP in end April) and they said there are some spots left to grab and they will go between those interviewed in April and people on the waitlist
  20. Sweet! Do you know if he was put on the WL first or did he get a spot directly? thanks!
  21. Maybe the adcom left a few spots open, and the WL for IP is not released yet since those who will be interviewed in April (including myself) could either: a.) get one or more of those spots b.) get on the WL c.) get refused. From that moment a final WL with final rankings would be available, and the top candidates of the WL would fill the remaining few spots left while the rest of the WL would wait as usual? I emailed adcom, hoping for an answer soon Even though i'm extremely happy to get an interview in April, getting interviewed with a shot for the WL only would be quite less exciting haha
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