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health science degree

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A friend of mine is probably going to be an intensivist (and will make a really good one, IMHO). Wow, an ICU doc...all those machines, really sick patients, life and death decisions. She must have done some crazy biology and life sciences degree in undergrad, right?


Nope. BA in Art History.


Moral of the story: do your degree in something that makes you happy and that you'll get good marks in.

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To start, I have a health studies degree from UW and no it does not matter. I and three other people in my graduating of class of, at most, 60 (most of whom did not apply to medical school) got in and another three people i know from other years got into medical school (3 to ottawa, 2 to UT, 1 to Queens). Also, it is not an "easy" degree, we get an excellent grounding in research design and stats (though boring i must admit) and you can take science core courses as electives as i did. Also the things taught in Health Studies are part of all medical school curriculums in Canada that I have seen as most have a public or community health portion and is invaluable for the interview process as we have learned to think critically about many of the issues raised in interviews. We take genetic, general chemistry, physiology, and cell biology in first year, and immunology (HLTH 341), development biology (HLTH 210), and biochemistry courses geared towards humans which are useful and interesting, though possibly a bit easier then the science versions of the courses. Many of our courses, such as nutrition, environmental health, and epidemiology are probably the best options in these field offered at UW. Besides, it is invalid to determine the "difficulty" level of a program, as this is subjective for each individual as someone naturally gifted in math but not otherwise might find combinatorics and optimization easy but do poorly in an introductory english course.

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Also we often get many more oppurtunities due to our small class size and super friendly professors to get experience in research and if you are in co-op there are some amazing job oppurtunities in clinical research available in some of the major hospital networks and you have chances to work with UWIDHA to go internationally and help with health issues in other countries. Though biomed does have these options as well and is an excellent program too, just Health is not any worse than it :D Wow, apparently I rant on this topic, sorry, I don't mean to say I think Health is better just that it is not worse.

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i agree with the above comments. i was in a biology program, was hating it, and my marks were poor. i then swicthed into kinesiology, loved it, and saw my marks shoot up.


do whatever you like, it will make things more interesting, and you won't mind staying up late to learn the material b/c it's interesting.


at uni, it's all about motivation. those who are more motivated as a result of loving what they are studying, almost always do better than those who are "trudging" along.

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