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Info Sessions, Practice Sessions, & Mock MMI's in Saskatchewan

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I thought I would make up a list of events as they arise, so that more people will hear about them and be able to attend.  It's not always super easy to find the announcements, so it would be great if anyone can add what they see.

Regina - U of R Premed Club on URSU vibe https://www.campusvibe.ca/campusvibe/group/17967669-5bab-4af9-b965-15cb7f9c94a7/ce0b0fa3-7873-49ce-9140-130320d19325

Mock MMI - March 6th, Regina General Hospital, More info will be coming out soon, ashley.tshala@usask.ca

Practice/Prep Sessions w/ current 2nd & 3rd year students - Tentatively Thursday's 4:30-6:30pm, there may or may not be a session next week on the 22nd

Practice group on U of R Campus - There is apparently a group that practices 3x per week on Campus at the U of R, I don't have a contact for this though.  It seems to be based out of the sciences if that helps at all.

Saskatoon - U of S Premed Club - https://www.facebook.com/uofspmc/

Mock MMI - March 4th, U of S, there is a large waitlist right now, uofs.pmc@usask.ca

Part 2 of MMI Prep - February 27th from 4:30-5:30pm

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