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Advice needed! Applying to McMaster // GPA


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Hi guys,

I am in need of advice.

A GPA of 3.84 seems to be the norm at McMaster. This has me a bit nervous. I have just finished my undergrad & my cumulative GPA is low for the school (3.82). Yes, I have seen students who have been accepted with GPAs below 3.84 but they seem to be the minority. I am pretty sure I could get my GPA to 3.83 by the end of the summer, possibly 3.84 if I enrolled in enough courses.

CARS and CASPER aside... how big of a difference do you think a 3.84 would make versus a 3.82?

It is no big deal for me to enroll in a bunch of summer school credits at all. I am just wondering if I am wasting my $ and energy.

Thank-you so much!

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