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MCAT study help me please


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I need some advice about writing the MCAT and what worked for people and what did not. 
First off, does anyone know where to find a test bank of questions for each subject (biology, biochem, etc) or even for each section?? 
Second, how did you study using books? I bought the princeton book set and I have heard some people recommend skimming through, then read through again taking notes, then attempt questions, etc. But I am not sure how to go about it with the books. Please give me any advice you have and any resources you found helpful!! 
I appreciate your help in advance. 

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First I hope there is never a test bank for a test that will help determine who may end up saving my life one day. 

Second, I recommend you go on R e d d i t, SDN or search this forum. There are many people who asked this question and far more people who shared their success and failure stories. 

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  • 3 months later...

Check out khan academy's mcat prep stuff - free passages and questions.

Wrt princeton books - only a method that works best for you will help you. For example, skimming and then reading sounds like a waste of time for me and I wouldnt do it because that's not how I learn, but maybe it works for others.

It also depends on how strong you are in each section and whether you've taken the test before.

Study the way that works best for you in the time constraints you have.

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