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Advice on traveling from Edmonton to Saskatchewan

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Hi everyone,

I am an Ontario resident interviewing at UofA and UofS. I fortunately got interview dates where I could do both (Edmonton morning of 17th, Saskatoon morning of 18th).

I'm a bit naive as to what the best traveling option is. What I'm thinking of right now and have received confirmations for from UofA forum is that I'd rent a car from Edmonton to Saskatoon and drive down. Wondering if anyone from Saskatoon will offer an opinion on that? I'll be driving in the afternoon so I'll have sunlight but I'm not sure what road conditions might be like, moose/deer situations, or fatigue.

Thank you!

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Congrats on the OOP interviews!!

Typically that drive is super easy, because it is double-lane the entire way.  The weather today & for the next few days is terrible here, but this is the first big snow dump we've had this year.  If I had to choose any highway to drive on it would be that one.  As for moose/deer you should be aware, but I've been driving in SK/AB for 8 years & never hit a deer personally.  As long as you are awake you'll be fine, they are easy to spot on a major highway.  Fatigue may or may not be an issue, depending on whether or not you are used to driving distances.  The drive is ~520km, which isn't too bad considering you will probably be able to cruise the whole way.

Overall I would say you should be good to go, as long as you have a little bit of time to wind down & prepare for Sunday.  If you need anything send me a PM and I can help you out.  I will be interviewing Saturday morning then I'll be done for the weekend.

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Wow thank you so much King74, that's really helpful! I would have the Saturday evening to wind down so I think I should be ok. I have drive to Montreal albeit with a friend, so I think I won't be too tired along the way.

Thanks a lot! I might have some random questions on the day of so I'll definitely PM you if that's the case. See you soon!

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