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Number of EC Entires/Category Breakdown/Character Counts

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Hello PM101,

I was looking for some help as I get started on working on applications for the upcoming cycle. I am a BC IP applicant and I am most familiar with the UBC med application. On the UBC med application, applicants can list up to 5 awards, an unlimited number of employment experiences, 3 non-paid Leadership experiences, 5 non-paid experiences highlighting their Capacity to Work with Others, 10 non-paid experiences highlighting their Diversity as an applicant/human being, and 3 non-paid Service Ethic experiences. Each of these entries can be 350 characters in length.

Would someone be able to provide me with some guidance on similar information for the following schools?

- Queens, Western, UofT, NOSM (aka OMSAS) = I know it's 32 entries; is the character count 150 for all entries? Also are there specific things that these schools require (ex. I heard Western requires some essays, as does NOSM and UofT), and if so what are the character counts for those? Do we even know the essay prompts or do we have to wait for the OMSAS to open?
- Dalhousie (literally no clue)
- UofC (I think it's 10 entries max, but I'm not sure, also idk character counts)
- UofA (I think it's 16, but idk categories or character counts or anything)
- MUN (literally no clue)

Thank you in advance,

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