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Asking one doctor for 2 letters

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Sorry if this has been asked before but I am an incoming 4th year medical student. I am planning on applying to a more competitive specialty and family medicine. I do not have many family electives before the carms deadline so I was wondering if it is common to ask one doctor for 2 letters for 2 different specialties 

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Pretty common just remember a few caveats. First is that the "FM Letter" is actually a form so make sure to note that since many specialists probably don't keep up with the FM residency application process and it means they can't just Cntrl+F the original letter. Secondly, I wouldn't ask someone at a top choice to write two letters. Third, I'd ask more generalist specialists to write letters (a Oncological Neurosurgeon FM letter would be kinda funny vs. a GIM or General Surgeon). Finally, I'd make sure to coach it to them in a "I'm backing up to be safe because CaRMS is so competitive these days" which also reinforces that you want their thing #1 and actually adds some emphasis to the core letter for your #1. 

Given how easily FM interviews tend to go out I'd also avoid gathering a ton of extra FM letters to rotate in/out unless you really doubt one of your FM letters. 

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