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Does admission committee care about "minor" ?

Guest smooth operater

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Guest smooth operater



I am interested in religion studies, and going to take few of religious studies courses during my undergrad career as self-interest. If I take more, and spend just bit more time, I can have a minor in religious studies. But, I don't know if it's worth it.


I am wondering would minoring in a completely different field than my major med/opt/den impress the admission committee? Do they favor students with a minor?



thanks guys!

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Guest Kirsteen

Hi there,


In general, Admissions Committees won't care too much what minor you complete, as long as you do well in it. At the pre-interview stage, it will be more your performance in the courses from your minor that will differentiate you from the other applicants, as opposed to the content of the minor.


That being said, if it is an interesting and different type of minor then you may field some questions on it during the interview. At that point, your responses to those questions will have a direct impact on your interview performance score and so, indirectly, your choice of minor may then influence your impression on the Admissions Committee. :)




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To add to Kirsteen's comment, a minor might also benefit you when admission committees consider your application holistically, whether at a pre- or post-interview stage. For instance, both UBC and Dal final round applicants are orally presented to the admissions committee for a (pseudo?) holistic evaluation. At this point, a minor, particularly in a alternate field, may add that little something else that distinguishes you from the rest of the applicants. It might indicate diversity of interest, intellectual flexibility, curiosity, etc. - all things highly valued by med admissions.


Basically, if you're interested, go for it. It's your interest itself that will be valued by med admissions.


Good luck.

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