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Queens or McMaster?

Guest CoWind

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Guest CoWind

I've recieved admission into both the SCIENCE I program for McMaster and the Science Honours for QUEENS, and it is a very tough choice for me to decided which one will get me the best results for medical school in the future. I heard from a lot of people that Queens is a very tough school and that it is not easy to get the marks that I need in there, whereas McMaster is easier than Queens and my chances might be bigger. Any advices?

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Guest aneliz

Neither program will give you an 'advantage' over the other in terms of med school admissions... you need to decide what school YOU want to attend...this may be based on program structure, elective opportunities, residences, proximity to home, etc. Either school and either program will be equally valuable come appliation time. To say that Queen's life sci is harder is somewhat misleading...most Ontario 'equivalent' science programs are equally as difficult as each other (there just is no well respected, extra-bonus point getting 'easy' school or program..sorry!). What makes the program harder or easier for any given person is how happy they are in the program and at the school...and that is based on something other than what the school's reputation is and what other people have told you about it.

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