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Retaking because of low grades

Guest Angelussum

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Guest Angelussum

How low can your grades get before you should consider retaking a course because a retake would look better than the letter grade?



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Guest aneliz

Retaking a course will not necessarily help you out... UWO will not look at courses that you have repeated and will NOT ALLOW YOU TO USE THE YEAR IN WHICH YOU REPEATED ANY COURSE TO BE COUNTED AS FULL-TIME (ie you cannot use the ENTIRE YEAR for GPA purposes)... be careful when thinking about repeating anything.

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Guest marbledust

I think the only reason I would suggest taking an undergrad course over is that you did poorly and need to have a reasonable grasp on the information learned in the class to take another class - for example going through an introductory chem class without a clue what was going on and then intending to take more chem classes. Obviously it is in your best interest to retake the course to get a firm hold on the subject matter in order to do well in future courses.


Other than that, there is no real advantage. I believe at most, if not all universities, the initial grade stays on your transcript forever - it never goes away so retaking a class won't fix that.


I don't know if other schools are as hard-lined on taking classes over as UWO is. It's best to check the schools you are interested in to confirm their policies. There are ways around a bad grade, such as taking a higher level course in the same field if it is a recommended pre-req for med school admissions. But each school is different, so you need to check yourself to be 100% sure.


Good luck

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