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"Unusual" Extracurriculars

Guest 0T6

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Hey guys,


With applications coming up soon I was just putting together a list of activities and such and there's one I'm not sure about. I like to make remixes of tracks - like hip-hop/R&B sorta stuff, like I write and rap (at least try to :) ) on these tracks, it's just really a hobby and lets me release tension and stuff. Do you think adcoms would look at this favourably or negatively? Like I mean would they consider it "serious" enough to be included in my profile or would it just look like I'm hunting for things to include. Oh and interms of time commitment, I'd say I spend a good 2-6 hours a week doing it.


Thanks for any insights, and if anyone else has any unique EC's: share them :)

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Guest PaniDoktor

If this is your true hobby and passion, by all means include it. I don't think that you'd look like you're 'trying too hard' to fill up the application since you spend a good chunk of your time pursuing this activity. Plus, admission committees like diverse and genuine people that do more than just keep their noses in books. Some schools (eg. Dalhousie) even seem to seek out individuals with humanistic inclinations such as music, literature, fine arts, etc.. Don't think that you have to fit some sort of formula to get in. I wish you the best of luck!



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i agree with PD.


your experience sets you apart from applicants with typical extracurriculars and life experiences. don't worry about how "serious" it will appear. why would remixing and writing be any less serious than playing conservative piano (which i'm sure is quite popular on the extracurricular listings)?


admissions committees want to get an idea of who you are. they also want to pick a diverse and interesting student body so i think it'd be a big mistake to exclude anything that describes who you are.


this goes for most things - if you only do something once every two weeks, put it down, just don't say you do it more than you do. extracurriculars don't have to be huge to warrant a mention. you'd sell yourself short if you leave out all the little stuff.

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Guest Kirsteen

Hey there,


I agree with the above two comments. Like you, I had a bit of a more unusual musical endeavour to potentially add to my sketches: I used to collect and sell rare music memorabilia. I didn't hesitate to include this activity on the sketches in lieu of a few others as it was a passtime on which I spent a good chunk of time, one which I had a lot of fun with, and if nothing else, it provided another wee bit of fodder for conversation in the interviews. :)




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