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Once you get in...

Guest nextstopmd

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Guest nextstopmd

Well, there hasn't been much action around here lately, so I figured I'd throw something out for people to talk about.


Anyone started to get more nervous yet? I know I sure am. Only 22 days left!


Just wondered what the first thing you guys will be doing as soon as you find out you get in... Other than crying tears of happiness I think I'll have to call all my friends and try to have a big party. It would be the perfect way to relax after all the stress of this year.


What would you do?

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Guest Nightriders19

well, I know what I'll be doing, anyway.


My fiance's family is throwing an engagement party for us on June 12, which means that I will be able to (hopefully!!!!) celebrate 2 big, exciting events with about 100 of my family and friends. However, even if I am ultimately rejected, it will still be nice to have a definitive answer regarding med school. I am SO SO SO sick of saying "I find out at the end of May/beginning of June", and EVERYBODY keeps asking "So, have you found out about med school yet?". Are any of the rest of you folks finding this as well?


Anyway, Cheers! The waiting will be done soon!



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Guest Nops

Amen to that, brother.


If I had a nickel . . . you know the speil.


Of course, if I don't get in, I can look ofrward to explaining that fact for the next year or so, too. "I thought you applied to med school . . . "


B :evil

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Guest frogcanada

I was burned by this with my parents two years in a row - my mother telling everyone she knew that I was "going" to med school, when I had just applied, then when I didn't get in, she had to call everyone up again and go on and on about how sad it was that I didn't get in - I was getting sympathy cards for months afterwards!! I think it made the loss much greater than it would have been had I kept it to myself.


So this year I didn't tell my parents and only told my spouse and a select few of my friends...



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Guest MDSMelissa

Ouch, FC! That sucks! I know it is very difficult to explain the whole (long) process to my family, some people think it is very simple, and always encourage me by saying "oh, you'll get in, you're smart and have lots of EC/volunteering experience" and it seems that they don't realize that almost everyone is a stellar candidate for med school!


How surprised and happy your family will be if you get in this year! Best of luck frogcanada!

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Guest mdhopeful23

haha, ive avoided telling alot of people about my interviews this year. and i gave my parents strict instructions not to tell any family members or close friends. this way, i will avoid having to explain why i didnt get in...again...and again...and again...


plus, its tough enough worrying about all this med school stuff myself. having a bunch of people worrying along with me can feel like a lot of pressure on my shoulders...i prefer to avoid it.


i agree that my family, other people etc, dont quite get how difficult it is to get into med. many of them say things like 'well you've got good marks, so that means you get accepted, right?'. hmm...not quite that simple...


what will i do if i get in? well, probably enjoy some well deserved time on cloud nine...then i will float back to reality and get on with life. this would likely involve making preparations to attend whatever school takes me. and perhaps going on a short trip...ah, that would be awesome :D :D


realistically, i dont think my life will change sooo much once i get in. i think however, that it will once more start to progress in a forward manner. right now, i feel like my life is on hold, im always waiting to hear about med... first its the mcat, then my apps, then the interview, then acceptance...the saga continues...

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Guest MDSMelissa

I forgot to add what I will do... I can't wait to pick out a place to live and start settling in. I still live with my parents (did my undergrad in my hometown) and I can't wait to move out! :rollin


Waiting (impatiently),


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Guest mdhopeful23

haha, i also did my undergrad in my hometown. so i can relate to livin with the folks...fun times eh? :b


actually, its not that bad. but i did live on my own for a year and really enjoyed the independance. it would be great to get some of that back again

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Guest coastal79

"I feel like my life is on hold" sums up my experience perfectly. I've tried to enjoy this past year as much as much as possible, but I really, really want to get going with becoming a doc. Now, so close to the end (knock on wood), I find myself wasting alot more time than I did throughout the year as I was trying to improve my application as much as possible in case I didn't get in. Case in point: the MCAT. I did well on it, but it is something I could still improve on by actually committing myself to studying for it. So, I'm going to write it again this summer if all goes ill. But, I just can't bring myself to open that darn Kaplan book.


What will I do if I get in??? Not much different actually. I'll put notice in at my job for mid-June, which should be enough time to train someone. Then go home for a few weeks and veg, go to my girlfriends cabin and veg for a week...basically just veg. Other thing I'll do, I guess, is start studying the science that I learned a few years ago...gotta refresh the brain abit or I'll be too far behind the young whippersnappers fresh out of school. I should probably work as long as I can, but I really want to spend some time at home with my brothers and really, when confronted with tuition fees of $14k +, what's a few extra weeks of work going to do?


And if I don't get in.......all I can think about is how many times I'll have to respond to "I thought you applied to med school" (with the questioner not really understanding what's involved with getting in). It's not like I've advertised the fact, I just say I'm hoping to go to school next year, and most people don't inquire about what. But, adversity breeds character, right? Even if I don't get in, I'll gain something from the experience. Good luck to all, and let the countdown continue.



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Guest noncestvrai

The next week is going to be really crucial, I have my last and final Master's seminar, then I will have to wrap up my thesis in a few weeks. So next Monday I should hear from the last med school I have a shot with, then Wednesday, the seminar.


I hope to at least have a yes/no since I am planning to go around Europe for a few months this summer...hopefully no waitlist and first round acceptance...like I would rather not have to fly from Uppsala, Sweden to Montreal rushing...though better this than being rejected if I think about it...


Oh, and I still feel flaky when people ask me what I will do next year and saying:"I will tell you May 17th...", but if a no comes, I will use my summer to ponder.



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Guest byjude

It's good to know I'm not the only person with the overexcited parents! The first time I wrote the MCAT, I was relieved to see that counter to my anxious worrying, I had met the often necessary 10 verbal score. My mom interpreted this as me having "passed" the MCAT and thus it was just a matter of me deciding which school I would accept at now that I had passed the gatekeeper to medicine!


And despite me warning her not to tell everyone, I suddenly had everyone coming up to me and saying, "So, you're going to be a doctor, huh?" And of course, no one really understands how difficult the med school admission process really is unless they know someone else who has applied or gone through it firsthand, so it really makes you look like a dolt when they find out you didn't get accepted.

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Guest frogcanada

Haha yes it sucks having an overexcited mother! She means well, though.


I've been through this application process enough times that I think I will just accept it either way (albeit happier if it's a "yes") and get on with things. I'm trying not to get my hopes up. As for what I'll do, I have my wedding to finish preparing for on the July long weekend, then look for a house in Calgary if I get into med! So I have more than enough on my plate to keep me busy!


Good luck everyone!!!


FC :rollin

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Guest Adamanda

I share some others anxiety of having to face all of the family and friends my mother has blabbed to I have applied to med school..and I must admit, I myself have blabbed a lot too.


I told myself that I would keep quiet about it and not tell very many people...but that is hard when everyone you see asks what you are doing next year, why are you still living at home, when are you getting married etc...!!


Hopefully the news is good when it comes in the next few weeks. If it is I am throwing a huge party...a med school "Jack and Jill" for myself...I have been throwing so many for my friends getting married, why not "fundraise" for tuition?


If I do not get in...I will drag myself through my thesis this summer and then take a trip to Australia!


Good luck everyone!

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