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Guest hringrose

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Guest hringrose



I am beginning med school in the fall after being out of high school for only 3 years, not four. From what I have read on here, that means I am not eligible for more than about $6000 from OSAP. I am confused because I just filled out the forms to get an estimate, which said I qualify for $12000. Can anyone shed some light?



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Guest aneliz

If you have been out of high school for less than FIVE years, you are not eligible for as much OSAP because the government, in their wisdom, expects your PARENTS to kick in a set amount of money towards your tuition. Whether this does or doesn't happen in reality doesn't make any difference to the amount that you recieve from OSAP. Unfortunately, max OSAP for someone out of high school <5 years is ~6600...far less than the 11 000 max for those that have been out longer. I don't know where you got your 12 000 estimate from...because max OSAP for the 'independent' student is only 11 000 per year. The only exception would be if you are going to go to Mac and have a full year (52 week) school year...then you would get more...although I don't know if it would be 12 000. Bottom line, the online estimate calculators are way less accurate than the counsellors at your financial aid office. I recommend you contact one of them rather than deal with websites!

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Guest hringrose

I am actually going to going to Calgary, which is a year-long program. I am just debating the type of degree you claim with a few people. It is the doctorate, isn't it? My friend is convinced it it a Bachelor's??? Anyway, if I am wrong about the type of degree, I can see why my estimate would be wrong. But I have been thinking about it and can't think of any other places where I could have gone wrong.


I just checked the maximum amounts per week and it says that the maximum for a single student with no dependents is $275 while that for married/sole-support parents is $500. If anyone wants to check this out, the link is:



Thanks aneliz,



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Guest MDSMelissa

Good question. I was filling out the application and thought that it was the Bachelor's. Maybe it is different for each school?


By the way, hringrose, I sent you an email to congratulate you on your acceptance, but it just came back to me today so I guess it didn't make it to your mailbox. So- Congratulations!!!!!!



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Guest aneliz

Your friend is right...med is an undergraduate level program...which means that you should be claiming a 'Bachelor's' degree for OSAP purposes. A 'doctorate' is a PhD.... ie a grad student doing research and writing a thesis. (They will change this if you entered the wrong thing on your OSAP application). You will get more than the $6600 max if you are going to Calgary....because it is a full-year program (meaning that you have more weeks x $275)... however, given that you haven't been out of high school for >5 years, the max is $165 per week (or it was last year)...meaning that you will likely get ~$8500 in OSAP.

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