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Is first year THAT difficult ??

Guest princejr13

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Guest princejr13



I will be starting my 1st year in med at the U of Sask this august. My question to all you med students, especially to those who have just finished their first year, is that is it really THAT difficult in first year. The general consensus I think is that it is not actually difficult but that there is just TOO MUCH volume. Is this true? Now that I look back on my undergrad years I noticed that I really only studied when midterms or exams rolled around. I just made up for not studying earlier by studying extra hard during exams and midterms. So if I destroy this old habit of mine and study regularly .... oh lets say about 3-4 hrs per day and make sure that these study sessions are 100% efficient (unlike the study sessions during undergrad :P ) will I then prevent myself from going bonkers ?!?



Also, has anyone noticed how students with a life science background compare with students from other backgrounds such as physical sciences, humanities, or social sciences? Will I be at an advantage since I have done a life science major (biochem) or will every background be just as good?

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