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Interfolio for transcripts

Guest jaegwon

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Hi everyone -

This question is for Kirsteen or anyone else who has used Interfolio for the applications...

Has anyone used the service for transcripts as well? I'm trying to save some $$ because I'm taking one course this semester through Athabasca and they charge $15/transcript request.

Thanks in advance.

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Guest Kirsteen

Hi there,


I used Interfolio for my medical school applications and I plan to continue using my account for my CaRMS applications. However, most schools will only accept transcripts from your school directly as schools generally apply their seal to the outside of the envelope containing the transcripts to demonstrate that no tampering took place.


Does Athabasca charge $15 per request, or $15 per set of transcripts per request? If it's the latter then definitely try to group your transcripts into as few orders as possible. (Although I'm guessing that it's the former, unfortunately.)




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Thanks for the quick reply.

That's what I figured. Just thought I'd check on the off chance it was allowed :) I also emailed all the admin offices with the same question.

I believe it is a per transcript fee...sucks to pay $120 just to show registration in one course and another $120 after I finish....but c'est la vie I guess.

Good luck with your applications everyone.

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