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Is the April MCAT easier?

Guest larasmith

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Guest kaymcee

It doesn't matter.


The MCAT scores you receive are scaled to ensure a normal distribution, i.e. very, very few scoring 15, lots scoring 7-9, and very, very few scoring 3. If a test is easier with lots of people getting high raw scores, it will take more correct to get an 11, as opposed to a more difficult test.

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Guest natman

I've heard people say that the April MCAT can be easier because the pool of test writers is largely composed of American university students writing the MCAT along with their normal April exams. The theory is that the students have less time to prepare for the MCAT with the studying for other courses and so will possibly have lower raw scores, making the scaled scores more favourable for those who do well on the raw score. Who knows if this theory is true though? I guess it could be a slight advantage to taking the April MCAT over the August one where everyone prepares hard.



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That logic works I guess if you're not in school yourself. But if you're in undergrad here, you'll be writing exams at the same time as the MCAT too, just like our friends to the south.


I myself wrote it in April of my 2nd year because I thought it'd be easier for me since I WAS studying for orgo, bio, human bio, etc. exams at the same time.. and it worked out okay for me! It was a stressful semester and I had no life (not that I have one now if you look at how often I post here :P), but if I could go back I wouldn't have done it any other way.

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Guest cutieyellow

I think studying for my MCATs in April was the worse thing i could have done. Of course, seeing how i had finals at the same time and that i had to keep my grades up, studying for the MCATs was pushed aside a little in favour of my regular classes. It's really hard to balance it all. Not to mention that i was doing my full courseload in addition to going to my MCAT Princeton Review classes. That semester was rough! Anyhow, ended up doing alright in my classes but not so great in the MCATs. Redid them in August where i went up 4 pts overall. And honestly, i didn't study much more for the August one, i was in the lab working all the time! Dedication to this exam is not something that i had! Hmmm. Kinda similar to my USMLE exam now.... :lol



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