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Reapplicant Question

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Hey everyone,

I just had a question about reapplying to American medical schools. I applied last year but it was really late (got everything including secondaries in around January!) and my stats were just average. I was going to reapply this year and was wondering if they keep a record of all your old application stuff like the primary and secondary essays? I was just going to basically reuse my essays because I was pretty happy with them. It was just really the timing that was the issue- or so it seems last year.


Does anyone know if this is ok- to reuse essays from a previous application attempt?


Also, is it still relatively early in the application process? I havent submitted anything but can probably get it all done within a day since I did it last year already.


Thanks in advance,


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i don't know whether or not schools keep secondaries. im assuming each school would have a different policy on that.


in terms of early/lateness of application cycle: it's kinda late. it would've been better if you had your primary submitted in june/july as it takes a few weeks for it to be verified. i'm not saying all hope is lost - just that it's not early in the cycle at this point.




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I submitted my AMCAS app in late August last year (25th I think). It was verified within a few days, and by the 26th the secondaries started rolling in.


It's not too late for you. If you are not waiting on August MCAT scores, then you still have a decent shot at schools. Just make sure to send your transcripts to AMCAS immediately.


I wouldn't submit the exact same essays as last year. Tweak them a bit. When schools see that you applied last year as well, they will likely look to see what changed since last year.

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Hey DoNair,

do u have any other suggestions for schools to apply to that accept lower MCAT scores? im going with: albany, vermont, chicago med, connecticut, and wayne state. i was put on an interview waitlist last year at chicago after applying really late so i figure thats my best shot again this year anyway.


I know the schools that accept canadians but i dont know which ones need stellar scores other than the obvious iv and upper tier ones.


Thanks again,


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There is Saint Louis University (This is where I am now. I recommend SLU although I warn you it is pricey.), Meharry, Rosalind Franklin, Howard, Tulane, New York Medical College, SUNY Buffalo, George Washington. You might even want to try Tufts. It's a longer shot but it could happen if you submit very soon.

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