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August 2006 MCAT Post-Mortem


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Hahah i had FG too. Maybe it was just my lack of sleep, but that seemed to be the hardest verbal i've ever done. Harder than any of the AAMC practice tests and harder than the Examkracker 101 passages.


Seriously though, that shark tooth question...and anything that came in the early part of PS before my brain woke up was just a blur. I'm pretty sure that question itself dropped me a point or two.


BS was fairly easy for FG (not that i did well)...and that question with the huge table didn't really require its use anyway.

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Hey, I got that pastoralism passage too... Although I think I had a different exam form number.


Wow, it seems like my experience was on a Carribean cruise or something compared to you guys!


We were told to get there by 8:00. They pretty much started letting people in and checking ID around 7:45. They made sure everyone had turned off their cell phones - no silents or vibrates they said. Our proctors told us that any cell phone that went off would need to be reported to the central office (none went off). I was in a small classroom of about 30 people or so. The exam was pretty much as efficient as it could be. I had lunch around 12:15. And we were finished the day before 5:00 (maybe around 4:40 or so) including the survey.


We were not allowed to have drinks/food at our desks so that includes water. But we were allowed to have them during our breaks. We were also not allowed to put our wrist watches on the table. We had to wear them. Also, one person who arrived 10 minutes late after the lunch break was not re-emitted into the room.


Sorry to hear that some of you didn't have such a smooth experience.


Oh I wrote in Vancouver, BC.

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I was at the Royal York, Canadian room to be exact. Here's a little summary of the day for those who got to write else where:


I got there at 7 am, and they started pre-regristration/regristration at about7:45. I'm not sure if they weren't prepared for the number of people there but by the time we actually began the PS section is was about 10-10:15. The 10min break between sections took 45mins because they had some confusion concerning the numbers on 4 of the examinees's tests! Lunch cam at 2:15 and the WS started at about 3:50. Again it tooks forever to start after the break due to a lack of scantron cards or something, so BS started at about 5:15. After BS they were fairly quick in distributing the questionaire, but still didn't get out of there til about 7:30. I was hungry, had a headache, and had to pay extra for parking :mad: ! Plus the main proctor was being a huge biatch the whole day.


PS-wtf was with all that music and cell phone ringing during the BS? I was already PO'ed enough and that didn't help!



What the heck was with those phones!! And what about the person that was still writing after time was called? Were they reprimanded?


Head snark monster made me want to drop kick her down the escalators all day. Is it a surprise that folks at the back of the room don't have their forms-again?? Don't you think you can learn from when this happened the past 6 times and get one of the proctors lazing on the front desk to give them a hand so we can get out???


My favourite though was when my proctor said "we've been here since before you so I don't know what you guys are complaining about". I must have turned five shades of purple b/c she left pretty quickly.


That was by far the worst run event I've ever been to. I know of several eighth graders who could have been much more orgainized and efficient about things.


I'm not even remotely done blasting the way they did things, but I'm writing a letter to the AAMC-maybe you should do the same DrB?

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DARLA wrote:My favourite though was when my proctor said "we've been here since before you so I don't know what you guys are complaining about"


Oh lord your proctors sound awful! Yeah, writing a 345 minute exam is a PIECE of CAKE compared with the strenuous job of passing out exam books and keeping time. Obviously, the jerk who made that comment had never written an MCAT. Plus, I assume that they were getting paid, whereas we had to shell out just to sit there. :mad:


There were several watch beeps during all sections, and someone's stupid sing-songy cell phone went off during VR. Despite all of their big threats, the proctors didn't find out whose it was or confiscate the beeping watch (it wouldn't have been that hard to figure out whose it was).


The best part was the mass exodus to the washrooms at the two 10 minute breaks...it was a stampede! Eight minutes lining up in the washroom leaves you about two minutes to chug a Red Bull - not fun!!

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So I had test form AG


Am I the only one who found verbal to be this tough????


Also, Im writing a letter to the AAMC about the Royal York and all the cell phones going off. I sat right at the back of the room with all the bags and at least 5 cell phones went off. When I called the proctor over, he gave me major attitude saying "I am aware of the cell phones." I almost threw down my pencil and left the exam right there in a rage. That was the worst experience of my life. And not getting out until 745pm was CRAZY


I also had that form-were you in Canadian ball room too? I just checked with folks on SDN. A lot of others also thought that verbal was a bit rough. I know I could have easily chosen any of the answers and been able to reason it out. For the first time in weeks I had only 10 minutes to complete 2 effing passages.

It wasn't just you. The percentile will work it out for us ;)


"I am aware of the cell phones"-good for you proctor! Aren't you clever? Now throw the effing bags into the lobby! I don't blame you for raging. SDNers also said that BS was really hard, so hopefully that'll come out in the wash as well.


I'm really glad you're writing a letter-I'd hate to be the only one.



Carolyn-thanks for the sympathies! I had the same thought re. they're being paid, we're paying, and we had been standing in line since 7 and I saw her come into the hotel, so she WASN'T there longer.

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I wrote the AG and got the Pastoralism passage too. I aced every verbal passage until that one.....then that one set me back. Although I think I answered the questions ok, it ended up costing me because I had to rush through the last passage that came after it.



I am complaining to AAMC about the organization of the Royal York location. It was beyond terrible. The timing was unbelievable. All the waiting around caused me to completely lose focus. I was getting headaches....getting hungry...damn cell phones...etc. I don't care what the damn proctors say...its not normal to keep us there until 7:45!!!!

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I also wrote in the Canadian room in Fairmount Royal york.


I am so angry with the management or administration of the exam. It was so disorganized -- if this was any other situation, fine. But I was so tired and edgy by the time we started (freaking 10.30). Proctors were being jerks. Cell phones kept on going off (especially that song too! AGH). I hope people are writing to AAMC about it (and that I hope they can do something about it). The registration process was long and painful and confusing. A 12 hour exam! Has anybody ever heard of a 12 hour exam??



As for the exam itself, it was AG.



I thought that it was hard.


PS: I couldn't finish four questions at the end because I ran out of time. This is odd because I could ALWAYS finish PS with time left over. The passage about the Si batteries? Had no idea what it was.


VR: Couldn't finish four questions at the end too. Thought this was hard. I thought I read fast.


WS: This is my second time writing and the reason I'm writing is WS. Although frankly WS was prepared least, I felt a lot more articulate this time than last year. Finished with pretty good examples with time to spare. Hopefully it's ok. (knocks on wood)

I had the rich people vs poor people one and the censorship of art one.


BS: This was definitely a surprise. I could ALWAYS (even last year's exam) finish with at least twenty minutes to spare. This time I could finish just in time! I thought the BS was significantly harder than the earlier ones. BTW I think there was a lot of genetics on this one (which I don't really like). Many passages had to do with physiology too.



In conclusion:


I hope it was as hard for everybody else as it was for me. Please, god of bellcurving, help me.


And we should all complain to AAMC.

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Don't worry if you felt it was really hard or that you bombed a section.


Last year when I wrote the PS there were at least 4 sections where I didn't know what the hell was going on. And it wasn't even as if the other sections were all aced. Half of those questions I had to guess on.


I seriously thought that I was going to get an 8 on that section, AT THE MOST.


I ended up getting an 11. Why? Because everyone who wrote that same version as me must have had troubles with it. It's been said before and I'll say it again, it's all relative.


Now that your MCAT is done, try not to think about it. Get on with your life and forget about the MCAT until October when your marks come out. And if your score isn't as high as you would like, then write it again.


I wrote that f'n MCAT 3 mother f'n times! 3 TIMES! 3 summers were ruined because of that f'n exam. But I ended up getting in, so it was all worth it.


When people gave me this advice before I wanted to slap them. What the hell did they know about the MCAT and how did they know that I would be fine? Turns out they were right...

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Jeez, sounds like a nightmare, and not so much because of the test itself, but because of poor administration! I can only hope that next year when I write it will be better, since they are going to have a lot more sessions (and hence fewer people in every session) and there will be no exam booklets and other time-consuming crap to worry about.

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DoNair-thanks! Always nice to hear the voice of reason b/f throwing things. I'm seriously counting on the relativity of marking and was grateful for all the stupid people writing AG. Clearly not you Daryn since I don't know you :D


Daryn-I also didn't finish PS-left the Si passage to the last and just tried to make sure my guesses weren't stupid. BS, same as you, for the first time ever almost didn't complete it in time. I blame the effing cell phone and shear fatigue.

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I wrote the AG paper too.


VR: Felt it went terrible....didn't have time to finish....easily guessed over 10 questions..


PS: Fairly doable...although I didn't know much about The Si cells question either, and I had to scramble at the end to finish....


WS: Was pretty simple, art censorship, and rich should help the poor arguments


BS: Very little organic, but that suits me fine.....Some of the genetics questions were a bit over the top...but overall fairly easy


We started at 8:45 and finished at around 5:20 pm, heard no cell phone rings...The protors were very efficient and professional... The breaks were exactly 10 minutes and the lunch an hour long...We were close to 80 ppl in the room, and not allowed to drink water either.


wrote it in Montreal, QC

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i had form BR and my thoughts are:


PS: it was relatively ok, but i was kinda of zoned out for a bit and got confused by some questions... jeez! and i had to kinda guess the answers to one passage coz i didn't have enough time


VR: i never had any time problems with this section during my practices but this time i had to rush crazy and in the end i only skimmed the last passage and pretty much guessed all my answers there :(


WR: this is the only section that i think i did ok... altho i feel i might have been too "emotional" in one of my essays


BS: it seemed to be not that hard... but when i had about 5 min left at the end i went back to some questions and realized i made obvious mistakes... fell into some traps! that made me feel really nervous


Overall: i think i'll take it again next year... not sure when though, probably january too.. and i'll keep studying! i really didn't study enough this time around

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I also had BR, wrote it at BCIT, in Burnaby, BC.


PS. This was the first PS section I actually finished. This has always been my strong point, and I think it went pretty well. I found the passages to be more confusing than the practice ones, but the questions weren't any harder I dont think. I ended up completely guessing on about 4-5, and gave an "educated" guess on about 8-10 of them.


VR. I have always had trouble with VR; this one was no exception. I skimmed the last passage, and pretty much completely guessed on all the questions. I semi skimmed the 2nd to last one I did, but I still think I pretty much guessed most of those questions. But I have found it really hard to gauge how I did on this, I am expecting an 8...with any luck a 9.


BS. I found this harder than practice, mostly because of the genetics, which I really haven't taken much of. I had a headache, and could barely concentrate towards the end. I left the more complicated genetics passages till the end, which I sort of regret now, as I had time to finish, but I just couldn't concentrate anymore...


WR. Had the rich vs. poor, and art censoring. I thought I did well on the rich vs. poor, but I am sure everyone else did as well...had a little trouble with ideas on the censoring, I think I came up with an example that maked sense, and managed to satisfactorily answer the 3 questions, but it was still fairly weak.


I thought our test actually went very smoothly, it started on time, no cell phones/beeping (they also threatened with writing a report to the AAMC if anything went off...).


I thought I would be relieved after the exam, but I am still sort of obsessing about it....I hope it wears off.


To an earlier poster, I also took gravol the night before...I managed 6 hrs of sleep, so it semi worked.

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I also wrote in the Concert Room of Fairmount Royal York. I had to wait almost 1 and 1/2 hour in the room in the morning before the PS started. The room had a total of 279 seats. Good thing I was sitting near the front and didn't hear too many cell phones.


What's the point of complaining to AAMC? Will it affect the score of the people who wrote it there?

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Interesting point...


I doubt it will have any affect on the scores, but the AAMC should be made aware of poorly-run test centres. I didn't have an especially bad one, but it sounds like the Royal York location in Toronto was terrible, and that in many cases, the poor organization might have affected people's performances. The test is supposed to be administered as equally as possible across the board to ensure fairness...so I think that the AAMC wants to know if people had bad experiences. Maybe the crappy proctors will be reprimanded...or at least not rehired.


I think that I would complain if I felt that the environment and/or proctors caused me undue stress during the exam, because I had to PAY for this thing! Aren't we entitled to proper test conditions?


You're right - no effect on the score - but I would feel better knowing that I'd done whatever I could to express my dissatisfaction. Cell phone ringing should not be tolerated by the proctors. I don't think that people should be allowed to get away with doing a substandard job at a one-day event that represents months of work for most people. :(

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I can actuallly think of 2 reasons to write to AAMC even though this is the last paper administration...


1. To ensure that those idiots don't proctor us in a CBT version if we need to take that.

2. So they will look at the scores from that location separately from the rest who wrote our forms and possibly make adjustments to marking procedures as necessary.

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I had test DJ


PS: Didn't that it was too bad, but there were some tough passages.


VR: The passages were easy to read, except for the 2nd last, but the questions were tough.


BS: Hardest BS I have ever done. A lot of physiology and genetics, very little organic chemistry.


WS: I don't know if my examples were good enough...I hope so.

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That really sucks. I'm pretty happy I had some solid proctors. They were right on time with everything...they had a beeping watch, so they never needed to call time.


They were pretty relaxed people so they didn't make us nervous. I wrote at a university, so there was pretty much no one there, therefore, no noise. I guess I lucked out with my spot.

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Am I the only one who seems to have had trouble with finishing every section on time? I found the passages in VR (form CT) to be insanely difficult (and I am a philosophy major!)


I guess the MCAT is not simply a test of what you know, but how quickly you know....

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For sure - I don't think there is any way to read through every passage thoroughly and feel good about every answer. There is no time to repeat calculations, rarely any time to go back and check your answers...


They say that one of the things you should definitely do during your prep is timed practices - over and over and over again. It's the only way to finish on time. I spent 10 minutes on a practice stand-alone once, and I didn't even realize that 10 minutes had elapsed until I looked at my timer. That would have killed me on the actual exam.


Also, I believe that there is one passage per section (PS, VR and BS) that is put in to "calibrate" the tests - so one passage might not count in your score. They also go back and review questions for clarity - if something was really confusing, they might take it out. You won't know which ones, of course, so it shouldn't affect how you write the exam.


I left the three orgo passages in BS until the end, because I knew I'd be guessing a lot, anyway. I didn't want to have five minutes left to bubble in bio answers that I probably knew because I spent too much time agonizing over things that I had less hope of getting right.

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why am i still ruminating over this? anyways, i wrote all the practice aamc tests from 3r to 9, and i always found i had five minutes left at the end of verbal. on the real thing, however, i was struggling to finish and skimmed the last passage. that was a real downer :( now i'm wondering how useful it was 'simulating' test conditions. guess i should have written it in the loudest room i could find on campus and turned the a/c up high. :mad:

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To everyone who is stressing:


Remember....MCAT is marked on a curve! SO...since EVERYONE seems to have had trouble this year, the curve will be a nicer one (ie: when a 10 meant 80% in practise it could mean 70% --or 60% or 50%, it all depends on how everyone else did-- now!


Relax! You wont know how you did until October and you can't change things now.....focus on applications and your courses now....you can affect the outcome of those!

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