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No Contact Information - Should I bother?

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I don't have any contact information for a couple activities. I'm wondering if I should bother writing them.


For example: I spent an entire Christmas break at a Canadian Blood Services blood bank and no one I know is there anymore. This was about 2 years ago. Should I leave it unreferenced?

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Posting NAQ items without contact info could end up doing you more harm than good, if you do it too often. UBC uses a category called "Negative NAQ" where they subtract marks from your NAQ score in the event that you have had "lack of due care for the application" ie. leaving things blank, misspelling things, not following directions, your essay is too short, not providing verifiers.


Contacting the verifiers is a vital part of the application review process and everyone who is admitted has had at least 2 of their verifiers contacted by UBC, so by not including them you're painting yourself in negative light.


Of course, there are some things that you won't need verifiers for; I left the verifiers field blank for one of my entries, when I combined all my travel experiences into one entry (to save space).


However, an activity like volunteering is not one that I'd recommend leaving a verifier blank. There are some things you can do if you don't have contact info for the people you worked with.


First, you could try contacting the organization and seeing if they have a volunteer co-ordinator or similar position responsible for volunteer record-keeping. Even though they may not have been there with you, they might have on record that you volunteered and someone can verify that they have documented that. If they don't have you on record, they may be helpful in contacting the individual responsible for that donor clinic, should you provide them the dates.


Second, if that fails, you might be able to get in touch with a friend of yours who knew you were volunteering there and list them as the verifier - better someone than nobody.


I would make sure you have exhausted both those means before leaving a verifier blank.

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I know this is very last minute but i still have about 20 hours to finish

could anyone clarify for me...

I went to Bamfild Marine station trip during High school, which is about 8 years...should I bother writing this in...if yes could I give myself as verifier as I don't know anyone who could verify for me...


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