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Employment Experience is counted towards NAQ score out of 25?

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Another thread with zero replies...so sad

I'm starting to get emotional...sniff, sniff

Hey Jixe I think employment experience definitely do contribute to some of the 5 categories...but I think if you have enough other experiences in the 5 categories and little employment experience, you won't lose any points...whereas if for example you have no community service experiences, you'll definitely lose points there...in other words I *think* having good employment experiences will help but if you already have like 20 activities under each of the 5 categories, you're probably fine regardless

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hmm do you know what kind of employment they are looking for?


I thought I had a pretty good work experiences working at 5 large high-tech companies including RIM and ATI, but it didn't seem to have any effect on the NAQ scores i got last year. In fact, I actually think i would've got exact same mark if I left the employment section blank. Are they just looking for health care type work experiences?


For high performance category, they are looking for "High level of Performance in an Area of Human Endeavour".. says my NAQ score sheet :P

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You can get points for high performance from playing on a varsity athletic team (I got 3/5). Also, things like the Olympics. Not sure what else.


When I went to my advising session this year, the advisor told me that they might be changing the way they mark things this year, as the specific category of "High Performance" was seen as very difficult to do well on and slightly unfair. She said they might put more emphasis on Service Ethic and Leadership.


However, please realise that this is second hand, and the advisor wasn't too clear or firm on this info to begin with.

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