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Completing Prerequisites?

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Hi all,


I'm just thinking ahead for next year.... can one apply to the school without having organic chem, but as long as one has the selected the prerequisite course for the upcoming year and it will be completed before entering med school in the Sept.? Is this acceptable?


Not sure if my question made sense, but any help would be great.


Thanks everyone!

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Hi there,


Check with UBC again this year to be sure, and to ensure that you're not disappointed, but in previous years, yes, UBC did allow you to take a pre-requisite course within the same year in which you were applying. Beware though, they also had the policy that if that course was dropped then so was your application, and also, your marks for that application year had to remain above a certain GPA level. So they've closed any loophole that folks might consider using, i.e., I don't have to complete organic chemistry if I list it as a course in progress during the year in which I'm appling and then drop it. (I'm not suggesting that you're considering this, mind you. :) )




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Thanks for the quick reply Kirsteen.


I had a follow-up Q for you or anyone else... can the prerequisite be done in the summer or MUST it be during the full-time school year with the mark counting towards the app??


Thanks again!




Even if you take your prereq. in the summer, I believe that it will still be counted in your last two years (if applicable) and overall average. And, it will definitely be calculated in your prereq. average.

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Hi there,


Just to clarify, what was mentioned above re: summer course marks being included in last 2 years' and overall averages is true. This was the case when I applied as my Orgo course factored into those as well as the pre-requisite course group mark.






Wow, that's good to know... for OMSAS (ontario schools, it will not count towards the application GPA) so that's a good difference to note. (one of the reasons I'm actually thinking of doing organic in the summer lol).


Thx for the help... you guys/gals all rock.

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