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Hey everyone,


I've been reading through the site and there seems to be quite a bit of info, but I'm still left with a couple questions.


For one, the application deadlines for AMCAS are approaching, many of them on November 1 with secondary applications due on December 31st in many cases. However, I keep reading that some people sent in their applications WAY before, back in May or June. Am I misreading something? I want to apply for September 2007 entry, would I still have to apply way back in May 2006? Or is that for entry to a different time? ( I just got my MCAT score now, and did fairly well, so I'm looking to apply. I have started my AMCAS application back in June though)


Second, I'm currently completing my third year, and by the time of matriculation will have completed 3 years (90 semester hours I assume) and could potentially earn a BSc - although not an honours. Am I still eligible to apply?


Finally, what the heck is a semester hour?! Is one half year course (how they do it at Mac) a 4 semester hour course, or is it 6? If it has a lab, does that change? I've been confused about this one for a while now.


Thanks for all your help. My apologies if I'm repeating any questions.

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First, there's only one time for entry into US schools, which is in Aug/Sept of each year. Yes, people that applied in May/June 2006 were applying for Aug/Sept 2007 entry. The reason is that most US schools have rolling admissions (schools that don't have rolling admissions are the 'top' schools like Harvard). This means that they fill up the class as applications are submitted. It's not like Canadian schools where all applications are reviewed after a set date. US schools start reviewing applications as soon as they start coming in. So if you submit your application in May/June, you have a higher chance of getting an interview and being accepted as most of the class hasnt been filled. If you apply later in Oct/Nov/Dec then a lot of the class has been filled and the admissions committee is going to be much pickier in who they select for interviews/admission. The best strategy for applying to US schools is to apply EARLY. Honestly, I wouldn't even bother applying now.


Yes, you are still 'eligible' after only have 3 years of undergrad but believe me, save your money. If you look at US school admission statistics 98%+ students have their bachelor's degree (4 year degree, not 3 year). I doubt you'll even have a shot with only 3 years, especially being a Canadian.


Semester hours...I attended UofT and we had half credit/full credit for half/full year courses. I just put in the 0.5/1.0 credits that was on my transcript and AMCAS converted it to semester hours themselves. Some schools work on a 3/6 (half/full) system whereas others work on a 4/8 system. What I ended up doing was in the secondary applications, if the school wanted say, 8 semester hrs of general chemistry, I put down that I had 8 semester hours, even though my AMCAS application said I only had 6. I didn't encounter any problems.


Sorry if this sounded kinda harsh but I highly suggest that you don't bother applying. You're really late in the game (some schools fill up their classes in January!) and being a 3rd year, you have practically no chance (unless maybe you got 45T on your MCAT). Another thing to keep in mind is that the US is more MCAT-heavy than Canada. If you have a not-so-hot MCAT score (I'd say <30) then it's better if you apply really early.


I hope this helps.

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Thanks for the tip, Madz. I didn't realize how rolling admissions actually worked, I sort of assumed that it would be similar to how they do things in Canada. But now I'm prepared for next year!


I just got my MCAT score back (35s) and so that's why I waited until now. But, if the case is of rolling admissions, it seems I'll just wait until next year. No point in putting in all that effort and spending all that money.

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35S is an AWESOME score!!! Congrats! You'll definitely have a shot at some great US schools with that score. You can still try to apply now if you'd like. But by the time you'd get all your applications (AMCAS+secondaries) done and all your reference letters in, it would probably be well into November. Also, US schools aren't very 3rd-year friendly. Definitely apply next year and I'm sure things will go well :)

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