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January MCAT takers...show yourselves


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Well...I just wrote it earlier today and Aug. 06 and if you look at the way I set it up, its pretty clear who ever told you that was wrong. Are you sure they didn't mean to say it the other way.


Also, just thinking about it, if they are making the test shorter, why would they give more time if you are likely to be more alert for a longer period?

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I teach the MCAT prep course and was told by my work that the number of questions decreased 33% on the CBT and the time to do the test decreased 30%.


This is true...but for them to put it this way I feel is a bit misleading. When I first read about it, I thought wow how nice of them to give us a bit more time...but actually these are not free-standing questions; they're passage-based and passages take time to read critically...and so it's the number of passages they should have decreased by 33% or even 30%...but the number of passages has gone from 9 to 7 (a decrease of only 22%).

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Kuantum- did you say that you can move onto the next sections based on your own progression, not by a fixed time? You said that you started BS when someone was still writing?

Is it just that when you are done and confident with a section, even if you have extra time, you can just move onto the next one?


How long did the entire thing take for you?

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Kuantum- did you say that you can move onto the next sections based on your own progression, not by a fixed time? You said that you started BS when someone was still writing?

Is it just that when you are done and confident with a section, even if you have extra time, you can just move onto the next one?


How long did the entire thing take for you?


You can move onto the next session as you please, even if time isn't up. Also, the breaks are optional, so you can stop them when you want. So, you can pretty much go as fast as you want. However, I think the guy that was still on WS when I was on BS was just having some problems with identification so he got slowed down--I used all my time and breaks to their maximum extent.

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First off, props to Kuantum for being the guinea pig and helping us all out...


I did Aug 06 but will re-write this summer probably.


Just a couple of quick Q's:

1) may have missed this, but do they provide paper and pencil or something for you to do rough-work / scrap on??

2) how did you find the COMPUTER style??? better or worse? I just don't know how I feel about doing this on a screen.... can't really circle and scribble on stuff other than a potential 'highlighting' feature?


Thanks so much.

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Hey Orchid,


Kuantum is the expert here, but since he's not online right now and he did mostly cover these in a previous post, I thought I'd copy & paste parts relevant to your question...but in general, everyone plz take the time to read previous posts on a topic before asking questions that may have been answered.:)


Overall, I'd say the CBT was probably harder than the paper, but I wasn't as tired as I was during the paper. The biggest difference was the difficulty of some of the questions, and the noticeably reduced amount of time in verbal reasoning.

Overall, try to get into the habit of not making notes when doing this section, its difficult because you'd have to write it on your scrap paper provided, and highlighting tended to distract me.


An advantage of CBT is the fatigue factor is really minimized. Also, no more 1 hour break, just 10 mins in between, so make you have snacks that are good enough to last for 1-1.5 hours. (Also, you don't have to take breaks and can move on to the next section if you finish your current section ahead of time).


The good thing about the CBT is the option of reviewing your answers to see which ones you haven't done and which ones you "marked". Marked answers at the questions you are essentially unsure about and want to come back to later on to check. Marked answers get graded so you don't have to unmark all of them. This was especially helpful seeing as I almost forgot to do the last free standing questions after the last passage.

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Obviously I've been talking to myself here. :D


Kuantum, come & rewrite everything buddy.




What I meant was, did you find the actual VR section difficult? I know you said to get used to not making notes, but how was it during the actual test? Did you have to flip between pages to see the question and answer or were they displayed side-by-side? How do you suggest we practice this? Grab a PDF of a sample test, and just scroll down from one page to the next?

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