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UBC:accepted-> help for waitlisted

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Hi everyone!


I was wondering by what date the accepted bunch at UBC had to pay their deposit?


Is there anyone not paying a deposit, because they have better chance else where?


Adversary is right the due date is March 16, 2007. As far as paying the deposit, I'm going to pay the deposit but I'm still going to the U of A and U of T interviews (and Western if I get one). If I get a spot at either U of T or Western I will give up my seat at UBC.

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Just to let you know, there are probably a lot of acceptees that will be deferring their opportunity at UBC. There are too many people stealing spots away from other people with their fence-sitting.


Yes, apply to as many schools as possible, but don't you think that the reason that you are doing this is to get accepted and become a dentist rather than become such-and-such-a-school's alumni?

What I am getting at is this: It seems that there are many potential-candidates who are too greedy, and screw around with the system. The first school that accepts me is where I am going; why wouldn't I? What's the point of applying to other schools, when the reality is, you don't actually want to go there? You would be stealing spots not only from the other deserving candidates at the school you deferred, but you are also stealing from the deserving students at the school that you want. Not only are you affecting the students, but you are also affecting administration. Yeah, some schools take a lot of time to process this stuff, often much longer than what is acceptable, but by people "faking" there desire for dentistry, or by using these schools as a back-up, the process is just getting further delayed. Remember that just because you might have been accepted to one dental school doesn't mean that you will get accepted (or at times, even interviewed) by other schools.:(

I am not singling out anyone specifically, but it's something that I had to vent. I applied to 3 schools that I really think highly of. If I am accepted to any one of them, I will be extremely grateful. I would not waste my, or anyone else's time by applying to a place where I knew I was hesitant of going, or just plain didn't want to go.

Sorry, for the rant, but I needed to say it.


So, Bella-Ortho, there is a chance that you may get a call from UBC (I take it that you are waitlisted)?;)


And Tode, do you plan on giving up the huge deposit if you get in to UofT? Aren't schools supposed to be notified of your acceptance to UBC? By you not letting them know, you have just taken away an interview from a deserving candidate. I think the fact that you got into UBC means a lot, and that you should be proud of such an accomplishment. Nice school, new labs/facilities, and nice city.

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Just to let you know, there are probably a lot of acceptees that will be deferring their opportunity at UBC. There are too many people stealing spots away from other people with their fence-sitting.


Yes, apply to as many schools as possible, but don't you think that the reason that you are doing this is to get accepted and become a dentist rather than become such-and-such-a-school's alumni?

What I am getting at is this: It seems that there are many potential-candidates who are too greedy, and screw around with the system. The first school that accepts me is where I am going; why wouldn't I? What's the point of applying to other schools, when the reality is, you don't actually want to go there? You would be stealing spots not only from the other deserving candidates at the school you deferred, but you are also stealing from the deserving students at the school that you want. Not only are you affecting the students, but you are also affecting administration. Yeah, some schools take a lot of time to process this stuff, often much longer than what is acceptable, but by people "faking" there desire for dentistry, or by using these schools as a back-up, the process is just getting further delayed. Remember that just because you might have been accepted to one dental school doesn't mean that you will get accepted (or at times, even interviewed) by other schools.:(

I am not singling out anyone specifically, but it's something that I had to vent. I applied to 3 schools that I really think highly of. If I am accepted to any one of them, I will be extremely grateful. I would not waste my, or anyone else's time by applying to a place where I knew I was hesitant of going, or just plain didn't want to go.

Sorry, for the rant, but I needed to say it.


So, Bella-Ortho, there is a chance that you may get a call from UBC (I take it that you are waitlisted)?;)


And Tode, do you plan on giving up the huge deposit if you get in to UofT? Aren't schools supposed to be notified of your acceptance to UBC? By you not letting them know, you have just taken away an interview from a deserving candidate. I think the fact that you got into UBC means a lot, and that you should be proud of such an accomplishment. Nice school, new labs/facilities, and nice city.


Thanks, it does mean a lot. This is my 7th year in undergrad (doing a second degree) so I've worked hard for a long time for this. In addition last year I applied to Toronto (no interview) and Western(interview) and I got rejected. So getting in now is a huge deal to me and I don't take it lightly.


First and least importantly, yes I'm going to give up the $9000 if I get into Toronto or Western. The money is not important because I'd pay much less tuition if I don't go to UBC anyway.


Second, I have the right to make a decision about where I'm going to school. When you're looking for a job you don't take the first one you see, you go to all your interviews and of the offers you get you take the job that suits you best. I understand where you're coming from, and I don't appreciate people toying with the system and taking their peers for granted either, or applying to dentistry as backup for medicine. But for me going to UBC means packing up and moving away from my home in southern Ontario, and having my girlfriend (soon to be fiance) do the same, as well as quit her job and find a new one in Vancouver. In addition I'd rather not be in a PBL program, and I like the fact that Western has clinic from year 1. So I have good reasons for wanting to stay in Ontario. Besides if the schools have the right to choose the students, it's only fair that students have the right to choose the school.


Third, it's not my fault that this whole application process is not centralized and the schools don't coordinate their efforts. The fact that UBC makes a decision FOUR MONTHS before Western shouldn't take away my right to make a decision. If I had an acceptance from Western before I got an interview notice for UBC, then I wouldn't even go to the UBC interview.


Finally, like I said I only applied to two schools that I liked last year and I didn't get in. So this year I wasn't going to take the chance of being out of luck again. To be fair and make life easier for everyone else, I will tell UBC of my decision the day I get an acceptance from Western or Toronto. So I don't feel bad about accepting UBC's offer and then going elsewhere in the end, because then someone like Bellaortho will get into UBC.

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i don't really get wut ur trying to say jack...


i don't think it is a valid argument to say that interviewing at multiple places means that an interview spot is 'stolen' from those other schools...how can anyone be so certain that they will get into their top pick(s)? not everyone has 3 schools they want to attend equally as much. what if you interviewed at all 3 places before finding out where you got in? would you feel that you shafted 2 others who could have used your interview spot?


hate to be cliched but as the saying goes 'don't hate the playa, hate the game'...

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I totally agree with toad, by the way bellaortho i am giving up my spot to UBC so that should help waitlisters out. But seriously, its up to UBC when they make decisions and for them to be so early really puts students in a tough spot because for me, they were my second choice, first being UofA. UofA doesnt give admissions till mid may and june which is the same for UoT, Sask, Man, Western, etc. Plus, they put a 9000 dollar deposit on top of it and already have the most expensive program.


Also, its not stealing spots at all because of the waitlisting, but i do agree with that applying for dent as a back up for med is really selfish. There's a ton of med schools and few dent schools and plus, dent GPA's are right up there with med anyways

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Hey Shocker,


I have my interview coming up for U of A too. Are u giving up your spot to UBC w/o before hearing back from U of A?


I know it could seem really selfish with me telling u ttake advantage of the fact that u are giving up your spot at UBC.. but what IF... u of A doesn't work out.. I am sure it will.. be just incase?



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hey bellaortho


yeah i know where your coming from and its not selfish, i can see you really want to go to UBC. well for me, i really see that 9000 goin down the drain and i think i have a really good chance for UofA. Ive just really enjoyed my time at UofA and enjoy the type of people they seem to give admission to, really well rounded people. Also, its close to home and i value that. If not i still have UofT or UofS so i think i shud be ok.


I applied to a bunch of places because i wasnt sure how my Dat was gonna turn out last november, but it turned out well so ive gotten a bunch of interviews.


Good Luck!!

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Hey Shocker,


Good luck with U of A. I am glad you found a place which suits you best. I have some contacts there once you confirm your decision. Contact me if you wish once you made your decision.


As for the 9000, technically you still save money. As well, your forfeited deposit will be added to the bursary pool - made to good use so you are helping your fellow colleagues. :P


Keep me informed of how things are going!

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