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When do US Apps start?

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Generally, applications become available May 15th-ish and the earliest date to submit is June 1st.


EARLY is the 'J' months.


-June 1st for primary

-most secondaries should be done by mid-late July

-Interviews sept, oct

-Acceptances Oct 15th for september 2008 class


Not only does applying early mean you have a better chance of an interview and thus an acceptance. but its such an awesome feeling getting an acceptance in oct and knowing that you will be a doctor. You can really relax for another 10 months! I cant believe how nerve racking the canadian addmissions is gonna be...

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-June 1st for primary

-most secondaries should be done by mid-late July

-Interviews sept, oct

-Acceptances Oct 15th for september 2008 class


Not only does applying early mean you have a better chance of an interview and thus an acceptance. but its such an awesome feeling getting an acceptance in oct and knowing that you will be a doctor. You can really relax for another 10 months! I cant believe how nerve racking the canadian addmissions is gonna be...


Awesome..thanks for the info

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Sony you are an invaluable resource...i think we all appreciate it and are indebted to you...thank you.


I have no experience in American medical school application process so my question may seem a little stupid...


1) Am i correct in assuming that letters of reference are sent out with secondary applications or are they sent with the primary application?

2)When do you receive secondary applications (how long after you submit all requirements of your primary application)?




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Sony you are an invaluable resource...i think we all appreciate it and are indebted to you...thank you.


I have no experience in American medical school application process so my question may seem a little stupid...


1) Am i correct in assuming that letters of reference are sent out with secondary applications or are they sent with the primary application?

2)When do you receive secondary applications (how long after you submit all requirements of your primary application)?






1) with secondary apps

2) depends - some send them as soon as you submit your primary application, some take longer. you should get them all within 2 months.

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Oh, ref letters are with secondaries? I'm already on it with my referees, lol. I told everybody to get the da,mn things all ready by May 15! *cracks whip*



LOL. probably a good idea. despite me telling my referees super early it was the reference letters that held up my application.

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Actually, can I send them with primaries? Or are they just gonna get tossed? I'm just wondering because it's gonna take a while for the secondaries to reach me from the States, then I have to bug my referees to send their letters out every time I get a secondary, which is kind of annoying...and a waste of time. Moreover, at least one of my referees will not be widely available in the summer, so I have really been trying to make sure she's done sending everything out by June 1st. I don't want to call her every other day in July and ask her to come to work just to print out/mail my ref letters.

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hmmm i dont know if you can send them with primaries ...they may get tossed out if your file hasnt been received. like i said before, some secondaries arrive as soon as you submit your application - these schools havent even received your application yet since AMCAS hasnt processed it. i think they just detect that you've selected their school and an automated email is sent to you.


why not use interfolio.com? get your referees to send the letters to interfolio NOW and then you can send them out yourself whenever you need to. otherwise i'd call the schools and ask if they would be willing to accept letters before receiving your processed AMCAS application.

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OK, I'll check out the interfolio thing.


whats cool about interfolio is most schools "download" from them directly. so they get there instantly. Its also cheaper and hassel free. I usually timed when i send my secondaries with the LORS. so they almost always got there at the same time :). Make sure you CALL/EMAIL the school constantly till you are UNDER REVIEW. Some administrators are slow and need a push...remember usually up to 5K ppl apply to any given school, things can get mis-placed.

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