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Everybody, you're welcome! :)

How about a "Thanks Mr JOTCH" thread? :cool:


How about thanks future Dr. JOTCH?:D

Btw, from what I've heard, you won't be scrolling up and down during the mcat...apparently the questions are on one side of the screen and the passages on the other side so you can see them both at the same time.

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How about thanks future Dr. JOTCH?:D

Btw, from what I've heard, you won't be scrolling up and down during the mcat...apparently the questions are on one side of the screen and the passages on the other side so you can see them both at the same time.


sweet... Really need to do some real sample tests

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Jochi, your exam is April 12, right? (or am I thinking of someone else?)

I think someone has a post-exam party at their house planned for those of us writing the Royal College... but if we do decide to go out and party somewhere, I'll let you know the details...

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AAAAHHH!!!! I found a Calgary test spot on the same day, also at noon!!!!


I switched, now I'm gonna see if I can extract the $50 switch fee from AAMC. But even if I don't, unlike with Edmonton, this results in major savings.....since it's at noon and Calgary is only 2 hours away, it means I can drive there and back on the same day, so I'm saving like $200 in motel costs.....and like 10 hours of driving time (and gas)!!!!!! YAY!!!!

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I am a Canadian resident and I will be taking the MCAT on April 12th. I live in a smaller town in Southern Alberta (Lethbridge) and so when I decided to register for an April test date back in late January/early February, I was hoping to get a seat in Calgary, which is a 2 hour-drive away from where I live. Instead, I found that all test sites in Alberta (including Edmonton, which would be 6 hours away) were booked for the April dates. I was forced to choose the 3rd closest test site, in Saskatoon, which is roughly an 8 hour drive for me. This meant 2 nights in a hotel, 20 hours of driving time, and $50-100 of gas just to take the test, adding $300 to the already steep price of $210 for the test alone. I would also have to skip 2 days of work, causing me to miss out on my earnings as I am on an hourly wage.


I was working on writing a petition to the AAMC to introduce more test sites in Canada after learning that test sites have a maximum of 16 people they can accomodate, meaning that on any given test date, 32 people at most in Alberta could write the test. However, I recently learned from a friend that AAMC already added new test sites, and I was able to get a test site in Calgary for April 12th. While I'm excited that I will not have to sacrifice 3 days for an already nerve-racking testing experience, I am very upset that 1) the AAMC waited this late to remedy the situation when it's obvious that a province with a population over 3 million will have more than 32 medical school applicants 2) I am charged for changing from a test site that was 400+ miles away to one that is 150 miles away. Your webpage states that you are "striving to ensure no applicant has to travel more than 100 miles to the test site."


Even though I am now saving on a hotel, I am still being charged to cancel my hotel reservations in Saskatoon. I feel that I am now at a disadvantage just because I did NOT procrastinate and signed up for a test date as early as I could back in early February. Had I procrastinated and not planned ahead, I wouldn't have paid $50 to change my test sites. I believe that I should be refunded the $50 switch fee, as this was the result of AAMC's failure to prepare to administer the test effectively as opposed to any fault on my part.


Thank you for your consideration,



Let's see where this takes me. I'll let you know if I am able to squeeze out a refund from this, because I think all of us who had to switch totally deserve it.:rolleyes:

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Thank You for contacting the Medical College Admissions Test (MCAT) program.


We apologize for the inconveniences but unfortunately, we did not provide refunds when people reschedule.

Please let us know if you need any additional assistance.




The MCAT Care Team





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