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3rd year applicants...

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Here's a shout-out to the rest of you applicants who are currently in your third year of undergrad.


Any one know if, all else being equal, UBC admissions has any bias against 3rd year applicants vs. applicants who will have an undergraduate degree by the time they enter med school? I.e., is it harder to get in as a third year applicant?

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If you're a third-year applicant, consider yourselves lucky. Cuz if you don't get in, you just finish your degree next year and get in after that. For the rest of us...we've got to decide what we're going to do for another year...:eek:


I think for third year applicants...its the same....you have to spend another year essentially doing something you don't want to be doing.

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Hi, i'm planning to do a co-op term during my third year (it's a fixed schedule).


Could i still apply even though i will only really have finished 2.5 years of undergrad by the end of year 3? (the co-op term is in term 2)






You need to fulfill all the prerequisites by April of the application year, and you must have the equivalent of 6 full semesters' worth of class credits.

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I got in after third year and from what I know, there's no bias. You may be affected by the grading policy though. In terms of your top 60 credits, if you're in 3rd year, you'll only have done around 60-90 credits by the time they've calculated your GPA (ie. your first & 2nd year marks + summer school), unlike people applying in their 4th year and beyond, who have many more marks at their disposal.


Also, you probably have less life experience than older applicants and so I think the ad com will look at this to make sure that you are mature and ready for medicine.


That said, there are lots of people who apply in 3rd year and get in. I consider myself very fortunate for only having applied once. There are many stellar candidates who have applied 3+ times. I got lucky in that I had a good interview panel and that my application was reviewed and favourably discussed.


Good luck to your guys!


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I got in after third year and from what I know, there's no bias. You may be affected by the grading policy though. In terms of your top 90 credits, if you're in 3rd year, you'll only have done around 60-90 credits by the time they've calculated your GPA (ie. your first & 2nd year marks + summer school), unlike people applying in their 4th year and beyond, who have many more marks at their disposal.


Also, you probably have less life experience than older applicants and so I think the ad com will look at this to make sure that you are mature and ready for medicine.


That said, there are lots of people who apply in 3rd year and get in. I consider myself very fortunate for only having applied once. There are many stellar candidates who have applied 3+ times. I got lucky in that I had a good interview panel and that my application was reviewed and favourably discussed.


Good luck to your guys!




i think that's a pretty good way to sum things up. you're not actively screened for 3rd year from what i've been told (although there's a checkbox for "third year" on the overall file... yeah... go figure).


however, i'm not sure what that top 90 credits thing is about. i don't think there is a category for top 90 credits. i thought it was last 60, pre-req's and overall.


also, i think there were only 15 or so people under 21 that got accepted last year. that doesn't translate into 15 third years. some fourth years will graduate at 20, and some third years may be older than 21. you know what i mean.


what's nice though is to get an interview, UBC doesn't discriminate against third years like some schools (ex. UT, etc.). i assume the same goes for the interview and final decision.

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I think you need to be outstanding to be accepted as a 3rd year applicant. Most of them have really high averages (high 80s or 90s). Awesome ECs, etc etc. And you know who you are ! I knew I didn't stand a chance so I didn't even bother until the year I am graduating. So instead of getting rejected in both my 3rd and 4th year, I just applied once instead. Luckily it worked out.

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i think that's a pretty good way to sum things up. you're not actively screened for 3rd year from what i've been told (although there's a checkbox for "third year" on the overall file... yeah... go figure).


however, i'm not sure what that top 90 credits thing is about. i don't think there is a category for top 90 credits. i thought it was last 60, pre-req's and overall.


also, i think there were only 15 or so people under 21 that got accepted last year. that doesn't translate into 15 third years. some fourth years will graduate at 20, and some third years may be older than 21. you know what i mean.


what's nice though is to get an interview, UBC doesn't discriminate against third years like some schools (ex. UT, etc.). i assume the same goes for the interview and final decision.


Yes, you're right! It's the top 60 credits, pre-req & overall average, but you have to complete 90 credits by the time you START medical school (ie. you can apply if you've only done 60 credits).

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