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Thank God! When I spoke to a lady at Adcom she said she had never heard of anyone failing the test and encouraged me to take it. Once I read the poem for the Literature portion I blacked out and an hour later I handed in 6 pages of BS that I have little recollection of. As I drove home that afternoon I surely thought I had become the first person to fail the EET and that a poem about a dog crapping in a neighbors yard would bar me from attending Med this year.


Now just waiting for May. Maybe if I analyze some more poetry I can black out until then.



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Ha,ha,ha...that is so funny. I thought the poem was lame too. I'm not sure if you guys read the sample poem the English dept sent out, but it was almost just as bad. Something about a tree, love, and a rose....

I don't know but, my mind just does not think this way. I totally BS when it comes to stuff like this...and it seemed to work, b/c I passed too. Goodness me, what a process! My dad loves poetry and literature though, and he even knew the author of that dog poop poem and sent me some of the guy's other works. Nice......not!:rolleyes:

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