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md/phd notifications

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Thanks for the kind words!


I did not apply to any other md/phd programs this year. Actually, I am not as disappointed as I thought I would be (surprisingly). I kind of knew that I could have done way better at the mdphd interview, oh well!!!


I found out though that the md final selection committee is not aware which applicants are md and which are md and md/phd, so this event shouldn't influence the md decision - sigh!


So there is still hope for the 15th.

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Sorry to hear that result sfuguy, hopefully you'll get good news on for the MD program.


Does anyone know why they release the MD/PhD notifications earlier than standard MD program notifications?


Also, if the MD AdCom doesn't know your MD/PhD applicant status, and if you must be accepted by AdCom to be accepted into the MD/PhD program, and considering they have already accepted people into the MD/PhD program, do you think that means AdCom has already made all the decisions and the next few weeks are just to torture us normal MD applicants?



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That is the same thing that I am wondering!


I have 2 thoughts on this:


1) The md committee already met and they have decided (I think this is most probable), but that it must take quite a bit of time to organize and set everything up for the official release.


2) That the md/phd committee makes their decision on their own? The reason behind this is because I have a friend who informed me that the md selection committee meets in early May.


Of course, I cant help think (paranoia) that since you must be accepted to the md program to be accepted to the md/phd, that my downfall was not being accepted to the md program therefore rendering me ineligible for the md/phd.

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Hi, just dropping some news I heard in class. I am a dental student and one of the med profs commented that she was busy last week cause of Medicine Admissions Committee meeting.


I wish I could have been a fly on the wall for that meeting....

I wonder if they only have one big meeting or there are several smaller ones...weeding out candidates until they make the final cut. :confused:

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Yeah. 640 people to go through... I wonder what the process is. On another thread I read that they put about 50 people on the waitlist and maybe half of them get in... So that means that our chances of getting in are even better than 40%. More like 44%.

But really it's impossible to know at this point if any of us got in or not, no matter how many statistics we look at.

Funny thing is, I know that part of me checks this forum with this totally unreasonable hope that somewhere buried in those threads will be the answer to whether or not I got in.

Anyhow, at least it's May now.

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Hi there,


so, if they had the MD admissions meetings only last week, I wonder what has been done from the time of interviews until last week?? If they have been doing just random reference checking etc, it shouldn't take them this long (>2 months) to do so?? Also, the fact that the application deadlines were pushed 1 month earlier gave them an additional month do do their work.


Now, I am getting really restless and am not able to focus on my exams in June; my full-time job, my life (if I could call it reallly a 'life') and all the other problelms life throws at you when you don't need them!! I pray for some good news to take me through these rough times; it will be really tough to get my pieces back together this time if I am rejected again!


good luck to all,



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Presumably, MD/PhD candidates are interested in research and maybe doing a sole PhD, so maybe they give the results earlier in order to give them time to sort out any PhD supervisor issues?


I doubt they need to go through all 600+ students individually. There's the ones with bad interviews that they can throw into the reject pile (probably around 200). Then, there's the ones with solid applications (good everything including interview) that they can put into the accept pile (probably around 100). Then, they'll need to go through around 300 applications in more depth to determine the ranking order of those applications.

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I imagine that they tell MD/PhD candidates before hand since some have applied for both the MD/PhD program and the MD program, and some candidates could be accepted into both. So they tell accepted MD/PhD candidates first, see if they accept, then tell the adcom for the MD program that those people who accepted should be taken off the list of offers going out on the 15th.

Hey H2O, I know what you mean about finding it hard to study for exams. I had a hell of a time concentrating on my finals. Good luck to you. It's almost over.

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Hey guys

I'm trying to figure everything out as well. But I can't...Maybe one day when we are on the committees ourselves we will know! I totally understand about the waiting...its a killer!! I'm "working" in a lab right now, but can't concentrate...always trying to analyze my application's competitiveness and performance on the interview...

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Hey guys

I'm trying to figure everything out as well. But I can't...Maybe one day when we are on the committees ourselves we will know! I totally understand about the waiting...its a killer!! I'm "working" in a lab right now, but can't concentrate...always trying to analyze my application's competitiveness and performance on the interview...


I totally feel the same way. trying to get some lab work done and trying to finish my thesis but can't stop checking forums every two seconds. But this insanity will be over in less than two weeks now. Thank God!


And for MD/PhD, they go through a totally separate process and decisions made on their applications are probably a priority. I wouldn't be too worried if I didn't get into the MD/PhD program right away either. When you get accepted to the MD program you can apply into it after Med I. And the MD/PhD program is SO competitive. I think they accept one person per year. Ouch! And I thought being one out of 256 was tough enough...

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Has anyone else heard any first-hand reports of people hearing back regarding their MD/PhD program application?


I still haven't heard anything, despite sfuguy's earlier post saying he heard everyone was being notified by the end of April. I'd like to hope that maybe they sent out the rejection emails first, and are in the process of preparing/finalizing the acceptance emails. Or, it could also be that in-province applicants are hearing back first (I'm OOP).


I really had anticipated hearing something back by now...

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Hey Rabz


That is very interesting. This gives a good clue as to what happens with selection. First the md/phd committee meets (which I heard takes place in early april) and ranks the applicants then they wait until md committee meets (which I heard takes place late april/early may) to ensure those accepted to md/phd are accepted to the md program, which, if you read the UBC website, is one of the conditions of acceptance. I may have heard back early because I was ranked too low to qualify (for md/phd) even if i was accepted to md program. So, if you didn't hear back yet, I sort of think that is great!!!


Well Rabz good luck, if you get accepted, i think it is a great program and you'll have a great time in it.


If you don't mind, what are your stats research wise that got you this far?

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Hi sfuguy,


I'd like to think that no news is good news as well. I'm just going a bit stir-crazy. For some reason, my interview panel left me with the impression that I'd be hearing from them well in advance of May 15th.


My research experience is as follows:

- Finishing up an M.Sc. degree next month. One publication so far from this work, but it was accepted 3 days after my MD/PhD interview and so wasn't considered as part of my application.

- 8 month honours project flanked by 4 month full-time summer jobs (16 months total) in a different research lab. Two resulting publications; Second author on the first, which was based on my honours work; fourth author on the other, which was a review article in which I wrote a page or so.

- Directed studies course (1 term, 4th year undergrad) which was research based (15hrs/week).

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