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Online Admissions System

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Hello there,


for those lucky ones who got a gold coin in their mail box last year or the previous years: what does the message say? "Offer"? "Congratulations" etc? Or is it a sentence message: "we are pleased to offer you...."


Just curious,




PS. for those who don't get in, it will say: "regret after interview". That I DO know, unfortunately....

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think it said something like "offer" on my online login screen when I found out that I was accepted...something obscure enough that (combined with my disbelief) I had to log in again a few minutes later to double-check that I had actually interpereted it correctly and my e-mail of excitement to my family was not a lie.


If you do get an offer you will get a .PDF of a letter of acceptance in your e-mail inbox shortly thereafter, though my year they did update the online admissions system first.

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