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ppl that chose NMP as first choice

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just curious how many ppl that chose nmp as their first choice have heard the rumor that, a preset number of students will be sent to ft. st. john for their 3rd year clerkship studies. thus students that accept an offer for the nmp agree that they may be chosen at random to go to ft. st. john for 3rd year with that decision being final. thoughts, feelings, opinions?

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I'm saying I'd rather be happy where I am for med. school than go to NMP. Not that its that bad...but it is the complete opposite of the kind of environment I want to be in. The class is too small, the area is cold and seems a little secluded, there really isn't very much basic science research, and the night life and cultural diversity isn't very extensive.


I want to go somewhere that has a reasonably large class because that way I get the chance to meet a bunch of new people while still holding on to my privacy. Also, I come from a pretty cold part of Canada and I was born somewhere that has probably never seen snow. I hate cold and I hate snow. I want to move somewhere that has milder weather. I'd like to participate in some basic science/clinical research while in med. school and NMP is just not that place for that sort of thing. They have some...but not enough selection to really have a choice. Also, I've grown up in a very multicultural environment with quite a bit of diversity and after speaking to the students at NMP and IMP, the thought of living somewhere that was not really up to the level I'd like in that department was a real turn-off for me.


So, its not that I'd rather not go to med. school than NMP. I'd rather be somewhere I know I am going to be happy and subsequently will have a better chance at success. I honestly think that I will only find that at VFMP...however, I ranked IMP 2nd because the weather is at least reasonably mild...but the diversity in the med. class and the patient base is lacking (according to an IMP med. student).

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Wow, I never heard the Ft.St. John rumour. I ranked NMP 3rd. I was seriously thinking of ranking it first b/c my situation is a little different than most. The lower cost of living and small class size appeals to me...but, it is so far away from family and I have kids. I want them to know their grandparents. I will obviously accept NMP if that is my only choice...but the Fort St John thing (in my opinion) would not be cool. Way too cold, and way too difficult for my family and I to juggle.

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Hey guys,


I've never heard that rumor, but hey, UBC med students are often the last to hear anything! I found out about the expanded seats on this chat board...


They are expanding the UBC family medicine residency sites out around the provinces, mainly at rural sites like Ft. St. Johns for next year. I would think it is highly unlikely they would ship people to Ft. St. Johns at random...

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Hey guys,


I've never heard that rumor, but hey, UBC med students are often the last to hear anything! I found out about the expanded seats on this chat board...


They are expanding the UBC family medicine residency sites out around the provinces, mainly at rural sites like Ft. St. Johns for next year. I would think it is highly unlikely they would ship people to Ft. St. Johns at random...


I think it will be done randomly because the concern is that not enough ppl will volunteer to go to ft. st. john. Since they are increasing the number of students once again in the nmp, by the time students entering next year get to 3rd year clerkships, the hospital will not have the capacity for them, not to mention the 2nd yrs will also be there.

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You're right about capacity at the other sites... it's a worry, all right.


One thing I find frustrating about UBC is the lack of info from the faculty to students about how the expansion is going... we're always given the message that "all is rosy", but the rumor mill goes nuts and it's hard to know what it really like is at the other sites...



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I am sorry, but it is late, and that is funny (assdr). I have always wondered who would pick these sort of specialities? Obviously these specialities are in high demand and probably very interesting once you get past the stigma. My brother has ulcerative colitis and my cousin Chrones; both have seen their fair share of colonoscopies etc....


Sort of similar but different...but, I have never liked feet, until I took anatomy and learned all about the biomechanics of the foot. Now I think feet are really cool. I always check out peoples feet. Gait pattern, shoe wear, trendelenberg signs, supination, pronation, etc....so cool how the biomechanics of our bodies are all connected to be this efficient system. But, if our feet change, it can skrew it all up...hence the need for foot surgeons, podiatrists, orthotists, OTs, and PTs etc.....


I wonder if proctologists check out people's bums (when not at work)?.....I know, I'm being immature...I'm allowed, it is late, and I'm a mom. Cheers to those of you who pick the unconventional professions!~:)

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I love potty humour...so funny. I know I almost missed the "Assdr" thing too and was wondering what dr.cave was talking about in his original post until I took another look. That is funny about Dr.Cox. There is a well known hand surgeon in Van named Dr.Groper....this always seems to get laughs out of patients going to see him.

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Yeah, it's not exactly mainstream in Canada. It think the US has 12000 members in its National Speleological Society. Canada has around 1000 organized (belonging to a club or society) cavers. Thats like one person in 30000. IT's great, I get to boldly go where no man has been before. Unfortunatelym unlike Captain Kirk, I don't find hot alien women wherever I go.:P

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Yeah, it's not exactly mainstream in Canada. It think the US has 12000 members in its National Speleological Society. Canada has around 1000 organized (belonging to a club or society) cavers. Thats like one person in 30000. IT's great, I get to boldly go where no man has been before. Unfortunatelym unlike Captain Kirk, I don't find hot alien women wherever I go.:P


Well...it is Captain Kirk..right?

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please, you guys are NOT Trek fans? I heard some where that being a Trek fan lowers your chances of getting into med by at least 33.33%!:)


There is one "caver" that is in my Toastmasters club. He is a bit of a loner...but, nice. I'm not too sure about caving. There must be bats in there and other weird creepy crawlie critters...and it is cold...dark...damp...suffocating.....? Do people ever get lost in them and never come out?

sounds like much fun, when can I sign up?:P

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