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When to apply to Australian schools?

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Hey syslakm,

How do you find the PBL structure of the curriculum? How is the education of the medical programs in Australia and do you find the facilities at Queensland to be top-notch? Also, what made you decide Australia over Ireland?




Hey Zuck,


1) Well, it's definitely different from undergrad if you haven't had exposure to PBL. It's lot of reading on your own and learning from other people. From what I've heard, most PBL programs are quite similar so should ask your contacts to give a better description


2) Not having anything to compare to, it's hard for me to comment on the quality of the education. Word of mouth says its quite good and comparable.


3) I didn't consider Ireland and I really didn't think much about Australia. More the fact that I got in before I even needed to start thinking about Ireland and other schools made me choose Australia (I was accepted in August).

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Hey syslakm,


First thanks for posting on here. I'm interested in going to australia for my MD as well... (since i didn't get into UBC and waitlisted at queens :S)


Do you plan on coming back to Canada to practice? I'm not really sure how IMGs work, and i was wondering if you had any good websites or books that you may of come across on that topic.


And finally, when you talk about IMGs getting residency in Canada, is that mostly in FP?


Thanks for your time. Good luck w/ ur studies!

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Hey syslakm,


First thanks for posting on here. I'm interested in going to australia for my MD as well... (since i didn't get into UBC and waitlisted at queens :S)


Do you plan on coming back to Canada to practice? I'm not really sure how IMGs work, and i was wondering if you had any good websites or books that you may of come across on that topic.


And finally, when you talk about IMGs getting residency in Canada, is that mostly in FP?


Thanks for your time. Good luck w/ ur studies!


Hey.. hmm, I don't have any really good answers to your question. I should probably tell all of you that applying and enrolling in medical school in Australia wasn't something I planned and really thought through. I applied, I got in and I went is the condensed version of the story. Consequently, these questions about coming back and what not... well, I haven't seriously researched it, so everything I know is word of mouth. Personally, I might stay here, or I might go back, depends how things work out for me...


In terms of coming back, I think you should probably check out the carms site? Maybe they've got information on there that might be useful. I'm under the impression that the rules for each province regarding internationally trained canadian students are contantly being updated. So maybe you should check out the provincial medical associations (if they exist, or whatever body that oversees the residency allocation).


But to allay your fears of going over there and not being able to come back, well, there's nothing to be afraid about. There's enough Canadians that graduate here and do manage to get residency spots back home, maybe not necessarily in the specialty they want, but they're able (and some are even able to get their first choice). But the situation is a constant state of flux, though it's starting to ease restrictions on 'us', so things might be different by the time you're done. :)


I'm not sure what FP stands for, but when I talk about IMGs, well, that used to the situation we're in. Now I think there's a distinction made between canadian IMGs and IMGs in general, but I could be mistaken.

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I can't seem to find the online application. I found a page that stated that the online site was not yet active and would be in mid-may. Has anyone been able to log onto the application and if so can you please point me in the right direction? Thanks!

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I was looking at Australia's unviersities and the GPA requirements seem quite low. I am wondering if anyone has sites or ideas as to what the entering avg GPA and MCAT scores are for international students.


The system is weighted different than in Canada. I was told 50/50 from several schools. Half on your GPA, the other half on your MCAT. Your MCAT and interview are the most heavily weighted and if two candidates are equal in strength according to the interviewers, the GPA will be the deciding factor. So even a low GPA of 3 can still be considered as long as you get great MCAT scores and nail the interview.

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About the MCAT and applying to AUS schools... Would the marks be ready for applications if you wrote the test in the May? How about June?


Also, if you were accepted into an AUS med. school in the fall of one year, do you think it would help or hurt your chances of being accepted into a Canadian school the following spring? (As opposed to deferring until the following year and staying in Canada to do more work/school/EC?)

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