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Request for early decision on application? Suggestions?

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Tell you what: I'll call them and ask and if they will agree to it, and you can give me a cut of the $6000 you will save. :D


Deal!!!! :D Maybe you can out in a few good words for me...That I am one of the best orange jugglers in the history of mankind :) That's gotta improve my chances of getting accepted.

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hey REL,


I am sure you have checked, but are you positive the Irish school won't give you a (partial) refund of your deposit if you withdraw at the last minute?


I was in the same boat with an Australian school before Christmas - I had to pay a $8000 deposit. I figured it was as good as gone, but when I was accepted into a US school in December and withdrew from the Australian school, they gave me a complete refund! I was pleasantly surprised to say the least.


Congrats on getting in SOMEWHERE though -- I went from Caribbean, Australian, and US acceptances and now I am waiting to hear from Canada, so I know the stress you must be going though.



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knew someone in the same boat a few years ago. she got into a irish school, and was waiting for ubc acceptance. no early review or notification from ubc. she paid the deposit to hold her place at the irish univ. got into ubc. no refund from the irish univ. so sucks, but she did want to stay in BC, but at the same time, didn't want to delay medical school any further. tough call, but gotta go with what is more important for you.


can't really blame the systems, as its two different countries on opposite sides of the world. the academic school years are slightly different to opposite in a lot of places. hard to make it work so everyone is happy.


but g/l w/ your decision, and hope it works out for ya. let us know what happens.

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Hey REL,


I'm in exactly the same boat as you. Doesn't it suck in regards to the timing. I guess that is how the cookie crumbles.


Hey Apples,


Financially, it sucks. But otherwise it's not so bad. did you already pay the deposit or are you still considering it? Either way all the best. :)

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Great apples!! Good luck with the payment. Signing the paperwork at the bank is a great feeling (NOT!!!!) :)


I'm also hoping to go to TCD...so it's great to know there'll be another student from Vancouver!! Check out the SDN forum, it's really helpful for medical students in Ireland.

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