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Deferral of Acceptance

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Hi Guys,


Does anyone know much about deferring an acceptance? I have been applying for a few years now and although I desperately want to be accepted this year it will be hard for me to drop the "things that I am doing outside of medicine" at this point.


Without going into too much detail, I have the opportunity to participate in the 2008 Olympics in Beijing. It is obviously an amazing opportunity and one that I do not want to pass up (would have to in order to attend school). But on the other hand, medicine is what I want to do with my life and I can not pass up an acceptance with no guarantee of being accepted next year. Of course this is all based on an acceptance this year without which this is a moot point.


So, the question is, do you guys know what it takes to get a deferral? The grounds for deferral on the website are very vague (i.e. extreme circumstances).


Thanks and please let me know what you think.

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I think they look at granting deferrals on a case-by-case scenario, so it's very hard to tell whether you will get one or not. In general, you will not get a deferral to finish another degree (undergrad, grad, professional), but you don't fit into this category. They might be more lenient with your situation. The only way to know is to apply for the deferral and see what they say.

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I went to an info session a while back (not the one on interview weekend, this one was open to anyone) and it was said that they very rarely grant deferrals and you would have to have a really good reason. A couple of examples were given to demonstrate that they mean REALLY good reason. The ones I remember are having a Rhodes scholarship or going to the Olympics. Therefore, I think you have a really good reason. Good Luck.

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I went to an info session a while back (not the one on interview weekend, this one was open to anyone) and it was said that they very rarely grant deferrals and you would have to have a really good reason.


This is true.


However, you must submit your deferral request when you submit your application.


Kindof a nusiance, seeing as how most things that would prompt you to defer don't come up until near the acceptance letters go out...


Becuase it's too late to defer, I suggest waiting until the letters go out. If you're declined, then you have the opportunity to reconsider if you want to reapply next year or go for the Olympics and apply afterwards (and you'd probably have an even better chance of getting accepted if you are an Olympian, based on my experience with the UBC admissions department).


In case you are accepted, there is always the possibility that you could begin classes with your year, and then speak with the (extremely supportive) student affairs staff about completing a year then taking a year off, and re-joining classes with the year after you. This is likely not appropriate for your timeline but in case anyone else is reading this and thinking about deferral I know of a number of times this has happened for students in extreme circumstances (ie. personal health reasons).

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So, are you telling me that I've missed my chance to request a deferral!?!?!? That makes no sense to me!


First off, it's pretty tough to know about this kind of thing a year in advance and second of all I think that reqesting a deferral when you apply would lesson someone’s chances of being admitted.....not the mention the obvious question "if you know you're going to defere then why apply this year?"


If this is the case then it's just UBC being dumb....again (similar to the idea of not accepting anything done after the admissions deadline for that application round. That's a debate for another thread).


Anyway, if the results come back positive (touch wood) then this will be a very crappy decision to make.

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I think it is all done on a case by case basis. I've known of people asking for deferrals "late" (eg. after being offered admission) and getting them. I think being an Olympian, touring Cirque de Soliel (sp?) and pregnancy are good deferral "excuses" that have been accepted in the past.

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