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where can I find a good personal statement editing service in Vancouver?

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I am not applying for med, but dentistry in US. I thought most ppl here live in Vancouver and probably have used essay/personal statment editing service for med application. Where can I find a good personal statement editing service in Vancouver? A service that is offered around UBC is the best. I was thinking about approaching my english prof, but I haven't talked to him for like 3 years. So, I willing to pay for the service. Thank you!

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I used my dad...(he majored in literature way back when), my aunt (who was in marketing), and a good friend.

I personally think it is good to get people you know to edit your work b/c besides correcting grammatical errors, they can ensure you are presenting yourself correctly. I suppose a "paid for service" could do it but it may not be as personal. I'm sure the English Dept at UBC will be able to point you in the right direction if you want to use a service.

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This is starting to get a little off-topic, but one thing I like to do for any important essay is to write it early. Then, I'll let it sit for a week or so and forget about it. Then, I'll go back and read it as objectively as possible and ask myself what I might assume about the writer. Often the time alone will give me a better impression of how it might read to an outsider.


I also put my essay through a pruning process. If you can't cut at least 25% of your original essay (adding new information doesn't count), then you're probably not pruning enough. You want a nice, clean, concise essay (unlike my post here).


I didn't really get anyone else to edit my essay. Some members of my family looked over it, but they didn't do any major editing or have any major suggestions for improvement. But if you do get someone to look over it, make sure that you're thoroughly satisfied with it first. Lots of people give other people mediocre work because it's "just a draft" but then people aren't going to be able to give you great critique because they'll only tell you what you could have told yourself.

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