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Offer of acceptance details

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I tried to find details about how the whole process works on the UBC website, but there is still no FAQ for this cycle. Could someone in the know enlighten me.


1) If you are given an offer how long do you have to respond?


2) Are you required to make a deposit and if so how much is it?


3) Do many people make a deposit at one school and then drop out if they get in off the waitlist from their first choice school?



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yes...and to add to that, I think the deposit is not very much either. I recall reading something in the 100 dollar range? seems silly considering that other poster had to make a 6000 dollar deposit for the school in Ireland. I'm probably wrong...just going from my memory....which does fail me at times:rolleyes:

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not to "hijack" this post...but, I think what I have to say is related to being accepted at least. I did not know (until now) that one could possibly be offered acceptance for his/her 2nd or 3rd choice and waitlisted for the first choice. I was reading a post from last years acceptance/rejection thread and this happened to someone. I didn't know it could get that complicated. I just thought if I am offered admission and it is to my 3rd choice...then there are no other choices. Not sure if my post makes sense...the hockey game is blaringly LOUD in the background. Go, Canucks, go.....:rolleyes:

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1) I heard it was a week last year.

2) my buddy said it was 300 last year.

3) yes lots of people - the waitlists move until the end of august. you may pay your deposit at ubc on may 17th and be still be waitlisted at mcgill and get in there in august. you can then do what you want.


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1) Last year offers went out May 15 and the students had until May 31 to mail in a signed Response to Offer form (along with other paperwork such as a police check and application to the college of physicians). Transcripts, if requrired, were due June 15.


2) Yes, it was a $300 deposit last year. Not bad considering the deposit for UBC dental school is $9000. There's a guy in our class who accepted his UBC Dent offer by paying the deposit... and then found out he got into meds. He's still trying to get his coin back.


3) Most people accept their favourite school if they got waitlisted at their first choice, and then depending on the size of the deposit, simply forefit their school deposit (and in some cases, a housing deposit as well) and go to the other school if they get in off the waitlist. It's your decision.

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1There's a guy in our class who accepted his UBC Dent offer by paying the deposit... and then found out he got into meds. He's still trying to get his coin back.=QUOTE]



I do not get this, or maybe it just mildly bothers me...

If you apply to both med and dent do you "really" want to be a doctor? (But that opens the question of - does that even matter). If one pays the 9000 then they are willing to be a dentist. These are differnt careers for the most part. I understand having backup plans, ect... However, I Really Do want to be a physician.

I guess you do not get accepted for wanting something (though that may motivate you). As long as the college of Medicine is certifying quality doctors I am sure they do not care about - if the student would also be a dentist instead.

Is that reasonable comment?




ps. if you feel strongly that you have a good chance here - then dont pay the deposit. If this is your first time applying and you want to stay in Canada - worst case, you apply again next year as a stronger applicant. And do not pay. If you have applied a couple times and it is not working or if you are in a rush to get into school - then pay it. It is a drop in the bucket 5 years from now - the difference is debt is negligable.


pss. If you look on the dent forum and see my name on there and such - my roommate uses this account too and he is waitlisted for dent... Soooo I am sure he would appreciate several of you folk out there to forfit that 9000 dollars and go to med school so too can study in the fall. However, I applied for med and who knows I may be on the waitlist - in that case - STICK WITH DENT.





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