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UCC Ireland...bizarre

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So I just got a letter from the UCC in Ireland saying that I was accepted to the program. I didn't interview here. Has anyone else heard about this? I am in the same issue as the other thread as having to deposit $6000 before we hear about UBC on the 15th. Add to that I am thinking about deferring and they don't accept deferrals for ANY reason according to the letter. I can't believe I'm saying this but I think that I may have to decline this offer before hearing about any other acceptances.....any advice please???

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The only school in Ireland that interviews is RSCI. This would be completely bizarre if you didn't apply at all and got accepted. Obviously you did applied.


In any case, if you need to defer entry you'll have to decline UCC. Its completely up to you if you want to fork over the 6 grand. Obviously you're going to have to think hard about what you want from your education. For me, I can't "waste" another year with my life in Limbo waiting for a North American School to roll the dice with my name on it.


Check out SDN, they have a very active forum for Ireland & UK schools, if you need any questions to be asked.


With that said, good luck.

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Can you get your money back? to me this is the big question because as the other tread seemed to imply, UBC may possibly defer you so you could go to the Olympics. If you paid and waited to hear from UBC and UBC gave you the defferal you would be golden. If UBC rejected you at least you would still have the option of going elsewere. If it were me I would go to med school, especially if I had already been rejected before. UBC seems like a dice roll every application. Read some of the last couple years posts where really awsome people get rejected and everyone is baffled. I couldn't take the chance. I guess you can see what side of the "healthcare before Olympics" band wagon I'm on.

It's up to you, but wouldn't it suck if you broke your leg in May 08 and didn't go the Olympic or Med school....


Sorry to be the wet blanket.

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I don't know about UCC, but Trinity doesn't refund the deposit. They are pretty tight on that. They state on their letter that it is a non-refundable deposit and that the date and the amount can not be negotiated. There is someone on this forum that tried to defer paying the deposit, but was shot down.


So think carefully to what you want to do. I figured that 4000 Euros was nothing compared to the time and money that I would be spending to reapply. "Time is money" right?


fezzik99 I hope you much luck deciding. Good luck.

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