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the waitlist thread

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yes, after I posted my "theory" I realized maybe it is alphabetical (that would definately make sense for me as my last name starts with "S") so I would likely get my email later (10:34am). If the earlier guys have last names starting from A-L then I would turf my original "theory"...if not, then.....

who knows? I guess it gives us all something to think about...:rolleyes:

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yes, after I posted my "theory" I realized maybe it is alphabetical (that would definately make sense for me as my last name starts with "S") so I would likely get my email later (10:34am). If the earlier guys have last names starting from A-L then I would turf my original "theory"...if not, then.....

who knows? I guess it gives us all something to think about...:rolleyes:



That is interesting. My last name and time are both near the middle so it is a possibility.

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I got mine quite late and my last name starts with a "Z".

I'm also checking my status a few times a day (and this forum... too much). But I'm starting to mellow on it, at least in terms of the intensity that check with. Let's face it, nothing is going to change for a while. Especially not over the next few days.

So, really, how are you all going to deal with your summer? I've been waiting to get work to see if I was in or not... When I come back from Berlin on the 6th of June I'm going to throw myself into reapplying. Work on the MCAT etc etc

This is my second time applying. You can really see how those who got in on their fourth try were persistent. I feel exhausted...

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Hey Paule,


Don't lose hope! You are not out yet. Even though i am in no position to make suggestions, I would encourage you to look at your essay. I don't know how i made it this far, but i think it was my essay. I don't have stellar grades, i got a 29Q on the MCAT, no fancy papers or volunteering for me (just the usual) and i thought for sure i blew the interview. But i know for sure that i wrote a stellar essay.


Good luck.

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Sorry, but I just never liked the alphabetical theory. I’m tired of always being one of the last ones to be checked for attendance. I’m tired of always being on the last page of the school yearbook. :(


…and I kinda like the idea of the time theory. 9:50 sounds pretty good :D

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I guess this time theory is looking pretty good. Wanttobedoc, what if they started with the bottom of the list and made there way to the top :P... or maybe the list was split up between a few people and one person was just a bit slower.


I think we are reading too much into this...or maybe not ;) ....anything to help pass the time for the next couple weeks.

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o man..okay if you guys are going to be so paranoid...i'm going to throw in another theory for discussion. Since the entire admissions process was supposed to be carried out without students' names revealed to the committee, isn't it possible that every student has a numeric ID on application file? Now, assuming each ID is assigned according to the time that application is submitted...and assuming that emails are sent out according to the ID order...


okay guys... you be the judge :D


Subaru Impreza Wrx Sti History

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LOL...I love all of these theories. It does help to pass the time (sort of). But, yes, I do feel paranoid. I do not understand why admissions can not tell us more details about the w/l (our approximate position and total waitlistees). Does anyone know that if we are lucky enough to be offered our third choice, can you remain on the w'l for your 1st and 2nd choices? How does it exactly work? Patch, I love the "bottom up approach"...good thinking...it works for me:D

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Not sure... but I've called admissions a couple of times now since I found out I was on the waitlist and they're really nice. They totally understand how stressfull our situation is.

FYI-I asked them how they would be contacting us waitlisters because I'm going to be in Europe for a week and a half. They told me that they could update our online account, email us, OR call us and that I might want authorize a person to be my proxy. But I forgot to ask them how long we have to reply... Guess they'll be hearing from me AGAIN on Tuesday. We'll be on a first name basis by the end of the summer.

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I don't remember where I heard this, but I think I remember (vaguely) someone saying that you can't remain on the other waitlists if you've been accepted to one of the sites.


does anyone else remember this??


that's right. once you're accepted to the spot...you're "stuck" with it.


Gong Bongs

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I'm not much of a poster, but tonight the wait and uncertainty is really killing me :( Just wanted to say that even though I don't post much, all of you people have really helped pull me through! And this board, imho, is the most fun & creative compared to the Ontario boards which I have also been checking here and there. Those theories, esp, really cracked a smile out of me despite these very difficult times :o

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Not to harp on your hard work in finding this, but this information is readily available on the UBC website. This is also a year old, and so the 30 declined or deferred for "last year" is actually 2 years ago. For the lazy ones, here are the relevant stats from the UBC site:


last year: 21 IP, 6 OOP declined; 1 IP deferred

2 years ago: 13 IP, 13 OOP declined; 3 IP, 1 OOP deferred

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