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I'm curious what others who were accepted plan on doing for the summer. I'm told by some current med students that I should take advantage of this last chance to really relax and to quit my job and go travelling.

What do you guys think? What are your plans?


Also, when does school start?

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Congrats on your acceptance! I'm not going to quit my job - it's kind of unfair to promise to work until August and then to quit 3 weeks into the summer! (I guess it depends on what your job is). But I am spending all my evenings and weekends partying, relaxing, and exercising! Which is a whole lot better than working 2 jobs and studying for the MCAT (ie. last summer).

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Ill be finishing up working as a teacher end of June and then Ill be a poolboy for the rest of the summer - but I think Ill take it easy - lots of time off, take some camping trips, play some golf, go surfing - get ready for the long haul of school. I'm trying to balance it though with trying to make money for school (with a wife and a little baby to support) - maybe a line of credit will get us through it all - I think I deserve the break :)

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Congrats on your acceptance! I'm not going to quit my job - it's kind of unfair to promise to work until August and then to quit 3 weeks into the summer! (I guess it depends on what your job is). But I am spending all my evenings and weekends partying, relaxing, and exercising! Which is a whole lot better than working 2 jobs and studying for the MCAT (ie. last summer).


What are you doing this Summer, if you don't mind me asking? Maybe they will compromise and let you go early, like in June or July...I think you should really enjoy your last free time off and travel or something before September rolls around. I'm sure they would understand?

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In a survey of the UBC Medicine Class of 2010, 78% of the students in first year right now recommend you go travelling and 38% say do nothing and bum around.


Only 10% said that you should work.


My recommendation - quit your job, RELAX, spend time with friends, hang out, travel in Canada and around the world, maybe shadow some doctors, and enjoy FREEDOM for the last time!

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i am really wondering what to do myself...


although on the waitlist for UBC, i have an acceptance in the US, and now have two and half months before orientation week at the end of July. (starts early down there).


anyways, I quit my job in february after working way too much for the last three years, went traveling for two months, and now have nothing to do.


i was thinking maybe tennis lessons, a photography course, some msf volunteering and the odd graphic design contract (my former-former profession).


any other ideas?

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What are you doing this Summer, if you don't mind me asking? Maybe they will compromise and let you go early, like in June or July...I think you should really enjoy your last free time off and travel or something before September rolls around. I'm sure they would understand?


I'm working in a lab on a studentship. I started right after exams, so I get off in early August. I'll have a couple weeks before med school starts to be completely free. I'm planing on a small trip sometime in August.


I guess, technically, they couldn't do anything to me if I just quit, but I would feel pretty bad. Besides, most of my close friends are working this year before everyone parts their ways to do whatever they're doing next year. So I'm just hanging out with people at lunch and after work.

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I will continue to work fulltime as a chiropractor until mid August, fortunately that only intails about 30 hours a week. I also have to get my house ready to sell and find a new one in PG.


I intend to have a typical summer as much as possible, ie. play in a few golf tournaments, run a few races and see friends and family.


As someone who has done a professional health degree in the past and close friends with a few MDs I can tell you the first month will be hectic. It will be a lot of information, schedules and work. Once you can establish a routine the work load will be more manageable. It is also very exciting and fun!


If you get a chance to decrease your work/volunteer load and relax i would recommend you do it.



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My wife and I are wondering about taking off to Europe for a couple of weeks - we have a four month old (he'll be six months by then) - and it might be the last time we can get out and enjoy ourselves before he gets older (And we have more), and before I lose my summers.


Has anyone else travelled with little babies before?

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Like Masaki and the other waitlisters,I will be compulsively checking my emails and on-line status. But, I do have advice to give Poolyboy as far as travelling with an infant...go for it! We have 2 little ones. I have taken more cross continental flights than you can imagine as I have access to airline passes (very cheap travel). We moved to Taipei when my 2nd baby was 2 months old and the other was 2. That flight is sometimes over 12 hours long. I did it by myself, many a time. The worst part about travel, is the flying. Once you get there, you quickly establish a routine. When our first was born we took her to Playa del Carmen for 2 weeks. It was so easy b/c she slept all the time...and was in the infant carseat for naps under the umbrellas at the beach. Have a great summer before you start school and enjoy some good food, and culture in Europe!

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Hey Poolboy,

I travelled to the middle east to visit my mother when my son was about six month old. It was no trouble at all. Go for it!!! You can book a baby basinet and you get the front seat with all the leg room.

Where in Europe do you think you'll go?

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Thanks for the input guys - sounds like it's a lot easier than I thought - I have a really flexible summer job (working for my dad), so I could take off whenever for however long - We were thinking of starting in England to visit my wife's relatives and then going over to Eastern Europe - maybe Hungary (where my dad's from), and Greece, Spain - I'm not sure - any advice?


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I love Greece...especially the islands. Santorini is completely drop dead gorgeous...and I would go back there in a heart beat. It is quite hot in the summer though. We went in early July when I was 5 1/2 months pregnant, and I was HOT. I've never been to Spain...but, I have heard the food is phenomenal and the people and landscape match it. Have fun!:)

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