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Completing Requirements: Please Advise

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Hello there,


I have been offered a seat to UBC but don't know about what they require from me at this point: I am enrolled in a Diploma program that one can finish from 1 year to 5 yr. I thought initially that I could finish it in 1 yr and that is what I have indicated somewhere in my application; now, I realize that (having a full-time job that is very very demanding) I will not be able to finish this program/Diploma in one year. I know that one has to submit all transcript etc etc by certain date and time. I am not sure whether these requirements are just for the pre-requisite courses and graduate courses (i.e. MSc)? Or do I need to finish also ALL my courses? I am terribly nervous about this and don't know how to approach UBC admissions office? I don't want to dig my own grave by telling them that "here I couldn't finish my degree program and I don't make your requirements". I finally after years years of waiting and working hard and almost killing myself to death to get this offer and I would be absolutely crashed to death if they take it away! I am so sad and desparate and don't know what to do?? The time is tight and I have to do something about this. Any insight will be appreciated.


Thank you all,



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I agree - it's the graduate degree that needs to be finished and any pre-reqs - Those that get in in their third year don't finish their undergrad degree so they shouldn't punish you for not finishing your diploma.


thank you both of you for your replies:

it is a post-graduate diploma not a MSc. The only problem I have is that I did mention in my application that I will have my diploma by July 2007. But, the application deadline was September 7th and didn't start with that Diploma program until October 1st. So, I was 'anticipating' that I will finish the diploma. I am not sure how they will consider that program (i.e. whether it will be considered as a graduate program).

How do you think I should approach the office withough giving them a gun in the hand to shoot me?


take care,



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I don't think it's a problem at all since you've met all the requirements. Here's an alternative scenario for you to think about:


A 3rd year student anticipates that she's going to finish her degree by the time she enters UBC, but for unknown reasons she missed one course and cannot graduate. UBC isn't going to reject her based on that because she's completed all the requirements for admission!


I think you should probably notify UBC admissions so that they don't make any assumptions about your diploma program. Explain your situation and I'm sure they'll gladly accept you just the same.


Good luck.



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