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Hey guys,


Do US medical schools require assessment forms like the confidential assessment form required in the Canadian application process in addition to a letter of reference?


The thing is I don’t want to ask for reference letters now and then bother the referee again in three months to get an assessment form filled.



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assessment forms are a 5 minute job and I think all schools want letters with their assessment forms. So just advise your referee that you will be bugging them again for the same letter and a form. That is what I did and no one minded. No doubt for most you are not the first person to come for multiple references even more than once.

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Thx bunny,


So if you are using Interfolio, you have to get your referees to send both the LOR and the assessment form to them and then Interfolio can forward them to the medical schools.


Am i understanding the process correctly?



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Yes, some US schools have their own assessment forms. Some are just "explain why this candidate would be great for medical school" and thus can be replaced with just sending a separate reference letter. Some are different and the school will not accept a separate letter without the assessment form attached. For example, an assessment form might have a list of qualities/questions, and your writer is supposed to check off on them/comment.


For example:

"I would strongly recommend this applicant based on his/her interpersonal skills."

"Check "strongly agree, agree, undecided, disagree, strongly diasgree."

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Generally, when you get a secondary from a school you can send in your LORs to that school. I dont know if some students send them earlier and if they are kept on file until the rest of your application arrives. I just sent mine when I got the secondary.

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Generally, when you get a secondary from a school you can send in your LORs to that school. I dont know if some students send them earlier and if they are kept on file until the rest of your application arrives. I just sent mine when I got the secondary.


thanks Madz

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How many reference letters are needed for each US med schools? Can reference letters be addressed as "To whomsoever it may concern"?

Can reference letters be from TAs?


If it's from a TA it has to be cosigned from the professor teaching the course.

3 up to 5 letters depending on school

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Do they accept LORs from high school teachers?


US schools specifically ask for at least 1 or 2 letters from science professors and 1 from a non-science professor *generally*. Schools have specific requirements regarding who the referees are. I only used professors for US schools as most schools would only allow LORs from profs.

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US schools specifically ask for at least 1 or 2 letters from science professors and 1 from a non-science professor *generally*. Schools have specific requirements regarding who the referees are. I only used professors for US schools as most schools would only allow LORs from profs.


Yes, some schools will have requirements such as "1 science professor, 1 other professor (science or not), and a 3rd letter from an individual who knows you well." So in this case, you could use a letter from your HS teacher for the 3rd option, but not the first 2. However, it only makes sense to do so if you've stayed in close touch with that teacher - it's been 3 years, and if he hasn't spoken to you since, he couldn't possibly comment on your suitability for medicine in any sort of convincing manner. After all, not a whole lot of 17-18 year olds would be considered mature and intelligent enough for medical school.

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