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Canadian MD, US Residency...

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Can anyone tell me about the process of getting an MD at U ofT, then trying to land a residency position in a top American residency program? I definitely want to practice in Canada in the end, but in case I decide to venture south for my residency, what would that entail?


Would I write both the Canadian and US exams (so I could apply to programs in both)?

What kind of visa would I have to get?

Do all US schools accept Canadian grads into their residency programs? Or do some only take American citizens?


Thanks... any advice would be appreciated!

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Doing a US residency has been discussed several times in the past. There is a lot of great info in the old threads so I highly suggest you look through those.


In short, YES you would have to write USMLEs. Each school probably has their own criteria of what students they accept so you would have to contact each individual school/program.


VISA: taken from the carms website


"The J-1Visa is a non-immigrant visa issued by the United States Department of State through U.S. embassies and consulates. Medical graduates planning to attend medical residency in the United States must apply to the Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG) {www.ecfmg.org} for J1 Visa eligibility once a residency training contract has been obtained. The J-1 visa application to ECFMG must include a 'ministry of health letter' or 'Statement of Need' from Health Canada. The Statement of Need / J-1 Visa program is administered by Health Canada with direction from the provinces and territories. Health Canada provides MDs with an application package and assistance in preparing a request for a Statement of Need."


What would constitute as a 'need'??? I'd say FM or psych...I've heard it's pretty tough to get a J-1 for other things. Other option is H1-B but that also has its issues...which have been brought up in the past so please use the search function and look through old threads.

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