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The Dreaded Wait


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Hey OP, I can't say that I can relate because I haven't done the MCAT yet, but i seem to empathize with you as that's how i used to be when i wrote an exam during the schoolyear. I had a tendency to end up with much lower expectations, but when i got the mark it always was as high as i anticipated when i came out.

Don't worry it seems to be a natural tendency to find flaws and doubts in your answers the more you think about it. PS and BS you should ballpark but VR may be a tossup as it always is

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lol, from 30-35 to 20-25!!...that's quite a drop!...just don't think about it...last year, i had to wait 2 months for mine and it was the easiest thing ever cuz i was just like, what's done is done...if it's any consolation, i think if u felt good right after the test, u had a reason to feel good and that should be a more accurate reflection of ur score...and for those who didn't feel so good, they should keep in mind that it's all relative...so everybody should remain optimistic...

seriously dude, take it easy for a while.

and something else to cheer u up: law loves psychopaths :D

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The MCAT is one of those exams that is so intense that you start to forget about all of the good questions that you performed on and start to obsess about all or the few that you were unsure of. Trust me it won't do you any good to sweat the "what if" score as its true "whats done is done"! Now relax and enjoy the ride!



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Anyone else finding the wait for the MCAT scores excrutiating? As every day goes by I feel worse and worse about the exam. I came out of the exam expecting a 30-35 and now my expectation range is at 20-25


Well, if your understanding of the MCAT material is as piss poor as your understanding of the MCAT scoring, then I wouldn't be surprised if you did score in the low 20s. But then again, you could just be posting in hopes that someone would say "oh, don't worry, you did ok." You're not going to get that from me.

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Well, if your understanding of the MCAT material is as piss poor as your understanding of the MCAT scoring, then I wouldn't be surprised if you did score in the low 20s. But then again, you could just be posting in hopes that someone would say "oh, don't worry, you did ok." You're not going to get that from me.


That's overly kind of you... :rolleyes:


Definitely use that type of language when you try to reassure your patients about something.

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That's overly kind of you... :rolleyes:


Definitely use that type of language when you try to reassure your patients about something.


If I am to treat a supposed future doctor on the same level of a patient, I have serious doubts about the future of the medical system. But obviously if I talk to one guy like this, I won't be able to talk a different way to patients. What am I to do?

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If I am to treat a supposed future doctor on the same level of a patient, I have serious doubts about the future of the medical system. But obviously if I talk to one guy like this, I won't be able to talk a different way to patients. What am I to do?


Why would you treat anybody like that? Sometimes people are worried and need to hear reassurance... unless you're some super human who's always confident about the outcome of things, then I don't see what's wrong with coming to people who are in a similar position as you for support. There was absolutely no reason for you to berate the original poster like that. It was very mean spirited and done for absolutely no reason. It was ridiculous. Maybe that's why you picked that screen name.

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Well, if your understanding of the MCAT material is as piss poor as your understanding of the MCAT scoring, then I wouldn't be surprised if you did score in the low 20s. But then again, you could just be posting in hopes that someone would say "oh, don't worry, you did ok." You're not going to get that from me.


Challenge to manhood or offer of fellatio?



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Well, if your understanding of the MCAT material is as piss poor as your understanding of the MCAT scoring, then I wouldn't be surprised if you did score in the low 20s. But then again, you could just be posting in hopes that someone would say "oh, don't worry, you did ok." You're not going to get that from me.


That's rather presumptious of you to think that I needed any reassurance from you but thanks again for your comments. It's understandable that you didnt understand the intentions of the post and thus I would like to clarify it for you.


What I meant by the post was that did people feel worse and worse about their MCAT score as the days went by. I might have used exaggeration to emphasize my point but if that also went above your head, again I apologize. Just from my experience, I am forgetting the questions I got right and only remember the questions I got wrong, thus making me feel as if I did worse. It just seems that the wrong questions have stuck around in my memory while the right ones have left it, just one of the interesting quarks with our explicit memory, and I was just wondering if people experienced the same thing.


Well thanks again for your comments and wish you luck on your medical school aspirations. Knowing that people like you are part of the application pool has made me feel better about my chances, but anywho the wait continues.


As the saying goes, those who make assumptions make an ....

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whaaaaat, u thank ridiculato like 3 times, but don't even mention the rest of us who were nice...u psycopath! :P


Haha! The thanks goes without saying to all of you. Sticking up for a stranger is awfully nice of you guys and I appreciate it.


As for the MCAT, I try not thinking about the MCAT, but my stupid (but gots to love them) friends who are writing thier MCATs after me keep bugging me to describe the enviornment to them. And thus, I am forced to think about it again and again, which could do a number on your nerves. It just seems after every question I get asked I remember less and less, except for the questions that I already knew I got wrong. Well, it's almost over with and after that just have to concentrate on my application. Oh that and the little nuisance called school.


And I sincerely (no sarcasm) wish all of you well on your endeavours! ;)

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Hang in there, I know how you feel! It'll be over soon...Those few questions I was so sure I got wrong on verbal bothered me for an entire month. But now I'm not even sure if I got them wrong, but ack, it doesn't matter anymore.


I would say the best way is to try and forget....pretend it never happened =P

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I feel like I put a sack of sh*t down for my MCAT score, but whatever. I can't do anything about it now.


Just find constructive things to do between now and the day your scores come out.


And don't talk to people who will just make you feel stupid.

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I was restless for the first couple of days but then got busy with work to forget about how bad or good i did. Just waiting for the scores to see if I can apply to queens or UWO?


Yeah, me too. By a cruel twist of fate, those are also the two schools I have the best shot at due to their GPA policies. Losing them would be a b*tch.

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