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September 15 MCAT test


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I do. I put decrease cholesterol in diet. I was unsure about this answer but I was able to eliminate all the other ones so I guess this the correct one.


Pretty sure that was the answer. The last two choices were essentially the same, which means usually wrong, and had to do with intracellular mechanisms.


I got an 11 in verbal last year and thought verbal this time was really tough, but I don't like natural science passages so that's probably why.

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Guest begaster
It was about democracy at Toys 'R Us and how Nintendo fights Sony for space all the time. Okay, maybe that's a lie. It was about democracy and religion I believe.



There was one on the religion of consumerism, and one on the fact that democracies are charades since all of the most important issues are already set in stone. I don't remember which is which.


I found the LDL passage and the tuberculosis passages to be fairly difficult ones. I put decrease cholesterol, but that entire passage took me a fair bit of time.


When an amine attacks a carboxylic acid, you end up with a salt, right? The acid-base reaction is faster than the elimination-addition?

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what was the answer to the question that had the answer choices like the following:


Increase cholesterol in diet

Decrease cholesterol in diet

Something to do with a protein

Something to do with the gene or something.....


anyone remember that?


It was definitely decrease cholesterol...the cell had a defective LDL receptor and thus could not remove cholesterol from the blood stream, so the recommendation from any physician would have been to decrease the cholesterol intake.


On the subject of BS passages, does anyone remember the one about ACTH and cortisol, and the Q that asked about what could have caused an increase in cortisol with normal ACTH level. I can't remember if the correct answer the tumor to the adrenal gland or something else.

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yeah, I thought it was salt too. But I could be wrong...


I found the verbal really tough, and I had an 11 on it last time I wrote. The passage on the consumerism absolutley killed me, i had no idea what was going on! The deomcracy one was hard too. I did all the tests in the EK 101 verbal book, and got a 10 EVERY single time (altough i feel the EX verbal is NOTHING like the actual test). I did the AAMC tests and range from 10-13 (with a 11 avg.) I expect I probably got 10 on the exam this time:(


The physical scinces killed me, not cause the answers were hard, but b/c it seemed like there were more tedious calculations than i expected. I blame that discrete one, the submersed object one, it took up waaaaaay too much of my time. I saved that gchem. passage one till the end, and I am convinced there is not enough info in the passage to answer them, even with unlimited time... I got a 10 on most of the aamc practice tests, but scared I'll be lucky with a 7 on this one


The BS was super easy. I feel like I definitly did better than my 10 last time...

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Guest begaster

How did you people find the biological science easy? Maybe I'm just focusing too much on a handful of questions, but there were quite a few that thoroughly stumped me.


Sharks, I'm trying to remember what I put down for that one. If I remember the passage correctly, the ectopic secreted ACTH, as did the pituitary, while the adrenal glands secreted cortisol alone. I may be forgetting, though. I'm fairly certain the question that talked about where a doctor should check if you have increased ACTH and increased cortisol was the ectopic and pituitary, as both would increase ACTH which would increase cortisol.


The Western (Northern? Southern?) blot question killed me. I've never seen that before, but apparently it's a common procedure for you biology students. I hated that passage on TB.

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Oh yeah, I forgot about that blot one! No, that procedure is not common place to me, so i had a mini-panic when I saw it, and started sketching out a diagram for myself about it and all the blots... but then i read the questions and you didn't actually need to comprehend much at all about the blotting procedures...


If I remember that question about the pituitary, i think i said lung and pituitary, but i could be getting it mixed up with another one.

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It was definitely lung and pituitary...the passage specified that lung cancer was a factor, and the picture showed that the pituitary could also cause the same symptom.

The blot in the exam was actually a southern blot(coz its DNA), u just had to check which bands from the other strains matched with the virulent strain (first one).

How did u guys find the room arrangements. I had a seat in Montreal at a conference center, needless to say it felt more like a snoop dogg party house. A wedding was going on at the same time, and i could hear babies crying loudly and lots of music. I tried using the earplugs but they distracted me more than anything. I put in a complaint in the comment section after the exam, but i guess that won't change anything in terms of grades right?

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm beginning to panic about WS. Does anyone remember the second prompt's antithesis?


For the first example I mentioned Apple who advertised their unique iPhone heavily and succeeded, and for the antithesis I mentioned another company that didn't advertise their unique automobile and consequently failed. I then mentioned that advertising plays a role on whether an exceptional product proves successful for a company or not. I feel like I didn't answer the prompts properly!! :(


Edit: Was the prompt: A company's success depends on an exceptional product?

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Yup that was the prompt...

I hope you did answer them properly cause that's exactly how I did too! I used a lame example about a cereal company I made up, but my argument was essentially the same; advertisement is needed even for an exceptional product.


Sounds good! For a while there I thought the prompt was something completely different and I hadn't answered it properly!

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