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Why don't we see high VR scores?


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I was just randomly thinking, we see 13's and 14's in BS and PS all the time from friends or posts on the forum, but rarely do we see those in VR. If its standardized, we should see the same proportion of people with those VR scores too. Surely SOMEONE must be getting 13/14's in VR, where are they?

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I was actually thinking about this the other day.


One possible reason is that those who do well on Verbal are likely to be say arts students who are familiar with the difficulty of the passages on a daily basis, but therefore, are more likely to have trouble with the science passages.


However, I think that the ambiguity in verbal also plays a significant role. From what I've read of students who scored 14-15 on verbal, their verbal scores on the AAMC CBTs usually had a range of 11-15 or 12-15.... and most of them felt that good guessing on the ambiguous questions (where they narrow it down to 2 possible answers) usually determines whether they end up on the higher or lower end of their Verbal range.

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i got a 13 in VR on the june 15th writing of the MCAT. i got a 14 in BS on the same day, but an 8 in PS, which means i had to write it again in order to apply anywhere in canada (except calgary).


people asked me what my study technique was for VR - i didn't have one. literally. i know that my written & verbal skills are pretty much my strength. i did two verbal sections while studying for the exam, and my results on those showed that i was okay. i wish i could say i had a magic bullet for it, but i don't!


(and for those of you who get 13 on PS, i'm jealous.)

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I'd say more like for every 3-5, there is probably a 14-15. Getting 2 or less in VR is really quite hard without making some major errors.


that sounds better than my comment. I think if you guess on every single question (unless you are incredibly unlucky in the guessing department), you would probably get 3-5.

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