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how did ppl find sept 7 mcat?


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I was reading on SDN how similar the mcat on sept 7 was to practice AAMCs, and that freaked me out because I found that anything but. There were many calculations, which was my weakness, but also many orgo passages, which was my forte. Overall all, I found it harder than the practice AAMCs. I guessed through one passage on verbal, and that worries me a lot as well.

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I know what you're going through. The more I think of the Sept. 7 exam, the worse I feel about it. Walking out of the exam, predicted 30+. One week later...30. Now...mid 20's. I also had to guess on a verbal passage, but it wasn't too big of a surprise since VR is my weakness. PS was harder than but somewhat comparable to the AAMC practice exams in my opinion. BS was not like the AAMC practice exams, and was definitely tough. Overall, the test was hard but not ridiculously hard like the August 20 examinations were. I'm hoping to score in my AAMC practice range (31-35) so that I will never have to take this beast again.

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Same boat as you OP, I have periods where i forget about it and im fine, then it hits me and ill be in class and i'll totally lose focus. Many people felt that VR was about the same/a little harder than aamc, so maybe a 28 or 29/40 can get you a 40 as opposed to a 30-31. BS was definetely much harder, and PS was a little harder, but not ridiculously harder.

If me you and roycer are worrying it means everything is ok, cuz there are very likely many of us feeling the same way, and what you need to remember is that the scores are all relative to the other test takers. :)

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I didn't find it like the practice tests either...the last two practices I took I got a 36 (highest I've ever gotten), but I walked out of that hell convinced I got < 30. I've actually been quite crestfallen since then, and found it nearly impossible to work on applications; in fact, in the end I just decided not to even bother with most of the Ontario schools and just applied to McMaster. I'm already resigned to the very likely fact I'll have to write the MCAT again next year.

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I didn't find it like the practice tests either...the last two practices I took I got a 36 (highest I've ever gotten), but I walked out of that hell convinced I got < 30. I've actually been quite crestfallen since then, and found it nearly impossible to work on applications; in fact, in the end I just decided not to even bother with most of the Ontario schools and just applied to McMaster. I'm already resigned to the very likely fact I'll have to write the MCAT again next year.


What was your practice score range? What practice exams did u take?

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I definitely found it more difficult than the AAMC practice tests. I did all of them and generally scored in the mid-high 30s, but I am pretty much sure I'll have to rewrite (predicting a score in the 20s). I guessed through a couple PS passages and was a bit surprised about the bio (3 orgo passages... :/). Verbal passages were longer than usual as well.


So disappointing... :(

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I found it was pretty hard too. I've been scoring in the 33 - 36 range on the practice AAMC tests, and I'll be suprised if I get anything above a 30 on this test. I found the BS really though, the VR tougher than many of the practice tests (I usually have more than enough time for them, but on the actual test I had to guess the last passage), and the PS o.k. - a little bit tougher than the practice tests.


My actual writing experience was pretty horrible too. I wrote it in Lansing Michigan. I was supposed to start writing the test at noon, but because they had technical difficulties (i.e. they couldn't get a signal in the basement of the hotel where the test was taking place), I didn't actually start writing until 3:30 pm. Definitely among the top 5 worst days of my life.

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Seems the consensus is that it was harder than AAMC in all areas. I think personally the curve will be most forgiving for BS, which was pretty tough, and least forgiving for VR, which was probably a little harder than AAMC. Physics was fairly similar as well, so it may not be as forgiving as say the BS section.


Btw, the scores come out around 5 pm tomorrow?

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