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Ws Score


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I got N too! I expected an S or similar! For the PR practice essays I kept getting 4's and 4.5! Is it just me or everyone I check with that wrote on Sept the 15th got N (3 other ppl I know got N's) ???? This is really upsetting cause I applied only for Queens and now I'm disqualified. How did the other earlier CBT testers do?

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it's scored independently by a computer (dunno how that works :confused:) and by a person, and if the person and the computer don't agree with each other, a third person marks the essay.


Yeah, I agree that WS is very subjective, sux to see that Canadian schools require it

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it's scored independently by a computer (dunno how that works :confused:) and by a person, and if the person and the computer don't agree with each other, a third person marks the essay.


Yeah, I agree that WS is very subjective, sux to see that Canadian schools require it


My girlfriend was telling me it picks up on certain words or something like that. This is how it is done for the GMAT, and it is news to me that it is done this way for the MCAT now.

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That's really weird! I suspect I got an X on one of them (that's the only thing that would explain my scores). How the hell would the computer decide that?

and if the computer doesn't...would it mean that just one person decies on how good my subjects are?

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I got the info from a tpr tutor. He told me that when the mcat changed into CBT the computer was responsible for marking the WS substituting one person. The second person still marks the essay too and the final score is determined by averaging the two. If there are large discrepancies than the essay is being read by a 2nd person. Then again...maybe the tpr tutor got mixed up from GMAT and MCAT and misinformed me :P


I'm sure that Jochi is right about the mcat in trad format tho, I also knew that the mcat was scored by 2 individual ppl in trad formats.

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I think that the computer corrects the "grammatical" ( spell check, sentence structure - like in Word) aspect of your essay... and the human grader corrects the content of the essay. The two are pooled together to give you your final score.


This is what the TPR manual said if I recall correctly.

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