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How do UWO & UofT use the DAT?

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I'm only interested in the Ontario dental schools (ie. I don't even practice carving).


From the following websites:






60% - Academics

25% - Interview

15% - DAT (Academic Average)

--> most recent DAT within the past 2 years



? % - Academic achievement

? % - Interview process

? % - Other relevant information

? % - DAT (Academic Average & PAT)

--> highest set of DAT scores within the past 2 calendar years


I wrote the DAT in November 2006 (so if I'm not accepted for Sept 2008 entry I'll have to rewrite it). I received interviews for both UWO & UofT in spring 2007 for Sept 2007 entry but was not accepted nor waitlisted. I'm registered to write the DAT this Saturday but I'm worried that I'll go down in certain sections.


My November 2006 Results:


23 - Reading - (beat 93%, tied with 3%)

22 - Biology - (beat 87%, tied with 9%)

19 - Chemistry - (beat 49%, tied with 17%)

20 - Science Avg. - (beat 65%, tied with 19%)

16 - PAT - (beat 16%, tied with 8%)

21 - Academic Avg. - (beat 83%, tied with 9%)

5 - Carving - (beat7%, tied with 5%)


The only section where I'd expect a major improvement is on my atrocious PAT (timing all wrong in 2006), for everything else I'm expecting at best to stay the same, and more likely to drop.


I have no qualms about rewriting in regards to UofT as they're only looking at my best DAT-AA&PAT (and I think I'll need to bring my PAT score up). Since UWO only looks at the most recent DAT-AA, and I'm quite happy with my 2006 Academic Average (only 8% did better than me me) and my AA will probably drop for 2007 - that is what is making me a bit reluctant.





- UWO: Anyone know exactly how UWO divies up that 15% for the DAT-AA? (is a 23 way better than a 22, which is way better than a 21, which is way better than a 20, etc. OR is a 23 a bit better than a 22, which is a bit better than a 21, etc.)


- UofT: Anyone know what general breakdown assigned for Academics, DAT and Interview?


- UofT: For the DAT part, anyone know how much weight is given between AA & PAT? (Both worth the same? One given more weight than the other?)


- I called up the CDA, and asked if you could show up, write the DAT and then cancel having your results scored (ie. a really expensive practice session for rewriting in Feb 2008). They said no, I believe them. I don't think English was their first language (bit difficult in making myself understood), and sometimes different people will say different things. Has anyone ever heard of writing the DAT and then sometime before the very end having the option of opting out of having it scored?



I don't expect many people to know the answers to these questions, but it can't hurt to ask. As of right now I'm leaning towards not rewriting it as my old DAT didn't hinder me from getting interviews at both those schools last year (despite that PAT-16 for UofT), while messing up on this year's could lower my chances at UWO.


Thanks for any info!

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Your scores are amazing!!!! Who cares about PAT at UWO? its ur bio,chem and RC..which are your top scores. So you had interviews and then you got rejected or waitlisted? Yours scores are really high and re-writing it will most likely (unless you studied like a maniac in comparison to last year) will drop not because of you but most likely because the DAT is getting harder every year, applicants are getting more and more competitive and we are competing with a lot of people. Now, I am not sure as to your GPA, do you think that was a factor you did not get in? (which would shock me cuz you got interviews), maybe interview skills?


If I were you, I wouldn't even think about re-writing this saturday... I know for a fact that you cannot cancel your scores or just drop out of the exam on test day to void it, like they do for the MCAT.


Your best bet is reapplying, hoping for the best and why not consider out of province or even the states. btw, how did you manage a 23 in RC?:eek: are you one of those naturals or...do you mind sharing? I would pee in my pants with an RC, that is a brilliant score.

hope i helped you somewhat, sorry if i didnt.

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I'm in a similar boat... I'm rewriting this Saturday to try to boost my PAT score (which was ugly when I wrote the first time... Feb 2006). When I registered for the DAT I chose not to send transcripts to UWO since they take the most recent score. I figured, after the test I'll know how it went and if I feel it went better than last time then I'll pay the CDA the extra money to send a transcript to UWO. If not, then UWO doesn't get it. I don't know if this will work....

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It doesn't really matter how you do on the DAT for Western. It's all in the grades and interview. The DAT is just a cut off to get an interview... as long as you have 20+ in reading, you should be fine. Western isn't looking at PAT nor carving, so there's no point in rewriting the DAT as your scores are pretty good.

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Thanks for the replies everyone.


Shimmer: took a look at my UofT rejection email. The admitted class avg. GPA of 3.92 was higher than mine (3.86), the AA avg. was 21 (same as me) and the PAT avg. was 20 (much higher than my 16). Maybe the personality test labeled me a liar - I doubt it though as I answered everything honestly. It's most likely being a bit below average coupled with my atrocious interview (quite terrible).


UWO doesn't list class of 2011's AA but all 3 that comprise the AA are 20, so I'd assume it was 20 as well. I'm similar to the class average of 84.75%. I didn't think the interview went too badly, thought it was okay, but maybe I tanked it without realizing.


The DAT uses a standard scoring scale, so even if the DAT is becoming harder it shouldn't matter as long as your fellow writers also find it harder.


I have no idea how I got a 23 on Reading (I wasn't expecting it). If I had any pointers for doing better on it, I'd share. I seriously had no idea how to study for Reading so I didn't, I might have read 1 or 2 example passages (if that). I think it was a combination of being a bit of a natural (have always read lots), being a bit lucky and having the timing down perfect. I'd say that the thing you'd have the greatest control over is the timing, so if you can master that...


cvande: That's an interesting idea although I already set it to release to UWO. Not sure that I'd do that as I didn't expect to be in the top 10% for Reading & Bio, thought I did much, much worse (more like my 19 in Chem). Since it's standardized everything is relative to how everyone else did - and it's impossible to get a feel for how the other 1250 did. I've ended up deciding not to write this Saturday. I'm definitely rewriting it Feb 2008 (as my last scores won't be valid) plus I'll know exactly how well I did when it comes around to applying for Sept 2009 (assuming I didn't get accepted for Sept 2008) and whether I should rewrite in Nov 2008.


daprez: I realize that and decided not to rewrite the DAT not to jepoardize my chance at UWO. I'm not sure how exactly UofT weighs the PAT, but since I had an interview there last year it shouldn't affect my pre-interview chances, and I'm hoping that post-interview they don't give it too much weight.

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